Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!

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[A/N: I'm so excited for this chapter! Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading!!!]

A low, steady growl emitted from the red-head's throat as he stood in Lord Koenma's office. He watched the images on the screen with barely contained envy.

'You brought this on yourself boy... That could have been us sparring with her siblings and stroking those precious ears, but you had to be chivalrous...' The demon half-teased half-scolded in the boy's head, and the growl grew louder causing the young prince behind him to cringe back into his chair.

An ice cold aura radiated from the boy as he watched Kenji running through the forest with his fox... His fox? When had she become his in his mind?

Perhaps Yoko was rubbing off on him, but every moment the two shared on the screen caused an ache in his chest, and he knew he had been foolish to think it wouldn't bother him to see his fellow student so close to the girl. With one final growl, he released the now splintered wood of the chair he had been gripping for composure, and stalked from the room.


Friday had been incredible!! Kenji had accepted Yumiko and all of her adopted siblings for who they were! Meaning now, even if he saw something he shouldn't in the tournament, they wouldn't have to erase his memories!

They had spent the latter half of the day splashing around in the stream while Sunemia caught fish for dinner, and had all gone to bed full and grinning.

Now she waited inside the dojo with Genkai while the competitors lined up outside. They peaked through a crack in the door, and she could see Kenji standing next to a boy in a green jacket and jeans, and another boy in a blue junior high uniform. "There's a lot of kids out there master, do you think it'll be okay for them to compete?"

Genkai scoffed, and dragged at her cigarette again.
"It doesn't matter how old they are, if they make it to round three there's a good chance they could end up dying. Listen girly, I gave that pup of yours the go ahead to compete because I'm curious of his power levels, but if you care for the boy, you'll have him drop out at the forest. I won't hear your blubbering if he gets eaten."

Yumiko nodded gravely. She had already considered that. She wouldn't be able to directly help Kenji without getting him disqualified, and there were powerful monsters lurking in those trees. Regardless, she watched as the orange-haired boy bellowed something, causing the green jacket one to scowl, and Kenji burst out laughing. 'He'll be fine...' She thought with a small smile.

After a few more minutes, Genkai finally let out a sigh, and straightened her hat. "Let's begin."


"My, My, quite a crowd!"

The master's voice rang out from the steps of the dojo, and Kenji's head turned in excitement, ready for the day to begin!

"Uhhh, that little old hag is Genkai??" The boy known as Uremeshi asked, as Kenji took a step away from him, and closer to the orange-haired boy. He caught sight of how Genkai narrowed her eyes for only an instant towards the boy, and knew she had heard him. She made no sign of it though as she continued to speak.

"Alright people, I suppose we should get things started. The first of your screening tests will be.... The drawing of lots!"

Kenji chuckled to himself as many of the gathered people gaped at the old master. The boy next to him grumbled loudly as well, but he ignored it, focused only on Genkai.

"Everyone must draw a lot from this old jar. Come now, we haven't got all day!"

Kenji moved to get in line, chuckling again at Uremeshi's comments about the master going senile. Once they had each drawn an envelope, they stood off to the side, waiting for instructions.

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