Ch 23: Sleepover!!!

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Two days had passed since the healers decided that Yumiko could return home, and she still wanted to cry!!!
Kurama had saved the worst of the news for last, plopping down a stack of homework as thick as her finger on the hospital bed!!! She groaned and sat back in the library chair, having finally finished the last maths sheet due on Monday.

"Finished?" He asked, looking up from the book report he had been working on. "Would you like me to check over it?"

Normally she might have balked at the offer, but given how many days she had missed, she simply nodded. The class had moved on to much more complex equations during that time, and she graciously handed over the paper, laying her head across her arms on the table as she watched him go over the answers.

His brows knit at one point, and he fetched a clean sheet of paper from his own supplies, moving his chair closer to hers.

"Look here, at number thirty-three. I think you might have gotten the process flipped with number fifty-six." He began, rewriting the equations, but fitting in new numbers so as not to solve the problem for her. "If you start with this part, and subtract B from the sum of A times C..."

She did her best to nod along, but her eyes glazed over a bit as she disappeared into her own thoughts. One more day. She just had to get through today, and the weekend would be here! She still remembered waking up to Suni and Botan bursting into her room at the hospital, squealing as they explained the plans for this weekend!

Mako had spent the last couple of days prepping the apartment next door to accommodate the two girls, as well as Maru and Kurama over the weekend. They would all be having a massive sleepover tonight, and tomorrow night as well! She hadn't seen any of her siblings since returning to the human world, and had hardly spent any time on fun at all with Shuichi's stringent tutoring! She felt like every spare moment either he or Mako, under his strict orders, had been shoving books and homework into her hands!

A sudden light pinch made the girl yelp, and she snapped out of her daydreams to see the redhead in question giving her a rather displeased look, two fingers pinching a bit of skin on her arm.

"I have dedicated quite a bit of time to helping you recover from your absence  in class, Yumiko..." He scolded her lightly and she blushed, nibbling her lip as he went on.

"It would be very easy for you to fall behind right now, and be moved to to another class. You may even forced to attend public schooling instead. You understand that, yes?"

She nodded silently, unable to look him in the eyes.  "I'm sorry Shuichi, really!" She began, searching for the words to defend herself. "It's just... we've been at this all day, and the day before, and the day before that! I feel like my head will explode! I haven't even had any time to read for fun..." She said the last bit with such a pout that he snorted.

"Poor fox..." He teased, then went on quickly before she could bare her teeth. "You're almost done. This is the last assignment left from catch up, right? In that case, I'll make you a deal."

He grinned as her head shot up, those seafoam eyes lighting at the thought of a deal. Oh yes, he was quickly learning the ways of this adorable sylph-fox, as well as the best distractions and motivators, including...

"There is a street vendor on the way to my mother's home. I need to stop by to pick up a few things for the weekend. I'm afraid you won't be able to meet her just yet..." He added quickly, noting the excitement, then disappointment in her eyes. "She left on a business trip this morning, and won't be returning until Monday evening. The street vendor, sells some of the best obanyaki I've had the pleasure of tasting. However they close in about an hour, so if you'd like to go..."

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