Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!

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(Back in the city.)

"What do you think that weird bird thing wanted with Miss Yumi?" Kenji asked as they worked to put the apartment back in order.

"Who knows? I don't think it's worth it to try and figure out why demons do what they do." Shizuru answered, picking up the pieces of a vase that had broken in the scuffle. She froze as she glanced out the window, her blood turning to ice.

"Kenji..." She said in a quiet voice.

"Yeah? What's up?" He answered, making his way to the window.

"Please tell me that's Ben..." She pointed out the window to the ground far below, where a massive, brindle-furred, bipedal dog stalked closer to the high rise, a trail of bodies left in its wake.

The plate the boy had been holding slipped through his hands and shattered to the ground as he looked as well, sweat beading down his neck. "That's not Ben..."

(Near the portal, 30 minutes earlier.)

"Damn that miserable human!!" Marugu complained as she landed near the portal back to demon world. Suzaku had asked her to gather information for him, so she had flown to human world at once! Imagine her surprise when not only had a pathetic human been able to see her in this world, but had attacked her too!!!

"Miserable, vicious brute!!!" She half-wailed, lifting up her nearly broken wing. It hurt like crazy, and she still had so far to fly! Getting their talons on that little fox had better be worth it! She sniffled, then hopped towards the portal, only to let out a screech and flap away as a massive dog demon emerged from the rift.

"Looks like I made it just in time..." a female voice barked. Marugu held perfectly still, her back pressed against a wall as the demon examined her, a growl coming from it's throat.

"Daramel, can you move your wings a little bit faster, dear?" There was an almost sing-song quality to her voice as she spoke.

A squawk came from the portal as a caramel feathered bird, similar but slightly larger than Marugu herself emerged from the portal.

"Did we make it in time, mistress?" He squeaked in a somewhat high voice. Marugu blinked, it had been some time since she had seen another of her kind, but they were quite picky about who they would serve. knowing this did little to comfort her, as they most often sought out strength, regardless of the master's desires.

"We did. Do you still have the stone?"

"Of course mistress! I'm not like Muuta you know, I know how to follow orders!!!"

Tansy scoffed, and shooed the bird away as he tried to land on her shoulder. "I wish you knew how to just answer yes or no, you damned rambling walnut brain! Now hush, the little dove's frightened enough as it is without your squawking!"

Marugu flinched as she realized they were talking about her, and tried to make herself smaller.

"Did they hurt you, little bird?" Tansy asked, her voice rough, but not unkind. When Marugu did not answer beyond a small whimper, she went on. "You don't need to fear me little pigeon. My master is a friend to yours." She said, extending a hand as a soft blue light surrounded it. "My name's Tansy by the way. Tansy of the Yumekui Pack. How about I heal that wing, then we can talk."

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