3rd birthday

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its hope's 3rd birthday, the family isnt doing so well, rebekah left new orleans and fled to mystic falls again but since the circumstances isn't the best klaus gave hope to rebekah and told the people in new orleans that she had died from fever illness. klaus is the only one that really knows where they are.

klaus called caroline to tell her about what happend and she was hapoy to help in any way. he told her that freya had put a spell on both rebekah and hope so nobody can know where they are including herself, but he asked her to ask bonnie if she can do another spell so that her and freya's spell is untracable. on the otherhand hayley wasn't so thrilled to know that caroline is the one that'll look after her daughter when she can't do it herself.

Rebekah is staying with caroline if though they had a past, their main goal is to protect hope. When caroline knew from rebekah that its hope's 3rd birthday, she went to the grill and bought a small birthday cake and small birthday decorations. Eventhough she wont have excpet rebekah this birthday, she had to make it an elite one for her. The birthday cake was so cute eventhough it was a small one, it was light blue color with a white character in it wearing a birthday hat and holding balloons and don't forget the sprinkles on top of it.

 The birthday cake was so cute eventhough it was a small one, it was light blue color with a white character in it wearing a birthday hat and holding balloons and don't forget the sprinkles on top of it

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for the decorations, she bought a couple of balloons and stars and rose gold letters saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY. of course rebekah helped her set it out, it was beautiful. The other thing they have in common was party/birthday preperations so they were good.

 The other thing they have in common was party/birthday preperations so they were good

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They took pictures on both caroline and rebekah's phones. Rebekah thought that she wouldn't have fun, but who would've thought she and caroline were going to slowly be friends?

They were inturrupted take photos by the doorbell ringing. caroline went to get it, it was the same purple box that hope was getting every birthday with a note on top of it saying 'for hope'.

 caroline went to get it, it was the same purple box that hope was getting every birthday with a note on top of it saying 'for hope'

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caroline went back inside with the box and asked rebekah if she knows what that is. "thats a present for hope from an anynomous sender, she gets it every birthday dont worry its nothing" rebekah said.

This birthday rebekah will be doinf the honors in opening the gift since klaus isn't here. Rebekah opened it to find a small box with a letter on top of it. she opened the letter abd it said.

Dear Hope Mikaelson,
Happy 3rd birthday! you're growing so quickly girl. I know this year's birthday might be rough to not having your father or mother with you but you have your aunt rebekah and your aunt caroline with you this year and i'm sure they'll take good care of you to make this birthday the best birthday you've ever had. This year's gift is for the occausion, its a butterfly braclet that you should wear to block any magic from tracing you or tracing back to you.
now i know that rebekah's reading this letter, i want to tell her dont worry i would never do anything to hurt your niece. See you next year hope♡!

- With all my love

After rebekah read the letter outloud."looks like this person knows you well rebekah" caroline said looking at her. "yeah its like this anynomous person is someone that we know personally" rebekah said. "you know what forget it, those gifts keep coming every year"

rebekah opened the small box to see a beautiful butterfly braclet.

"its beautiful" caroline said

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"its beautiful" caroline said. "yeah it is" rebekah replied.

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