~ Chapter 5 ~ Angelo is coming, be ready

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*This chapter, contains mature scenes*

~ Camilla's POV ~

It's been two weeks, since I last spoke to Zane, ever since we had that unpleasant interaction in his office. I've been doing everything I can in my power to try and avoid him, thankfully that wasn't too difficult, as he was never home, and even if he was, he would always be enclosed into the walls of his office. I was actually holding on to some hope, that he wasn't like how everyone said he was, I hoped, that he would have been willing to work out this mess of an engagement together, and we could work out something mutual, however he doesn't care enough to invest any time into that, I should have known, he always was and always has been the emotionless, cruel, uncaring mobster.

Suddenly, a sweet chirpy voice immediately breaks me from my thoughts. Bringing me back to where I was, in the passenger's seat, of one of the many  Volkovs sports car, next to Kiara, who is in the driver's seat speeding along the highway.

"Hello there, earth to Camilla, what's happened to you girl, you just seemed to have gone to another place, did you even hear anything I said at all?" asked Kiara, giggling.

"Huh. No. Sorry, I seem to have gotten lost in thought" I responded, with a smile.

"You seem to have been doing that quite a lot for the past two weeks, is everything alright?" asked Kiara, with a look of genuine concern.

"No, not really I guess, honestly I am just worried about how my life will be after marrying Zane. I mean what am I supposed to do with a husband, who couldn't care less about me?" I asked Kiara, I exposed my deepest feelings from the past two weeks.

"Look, I can't say I understand how you're feeling, as, well, I've never been married, but I can promise you this, he cares about you, more than you think, he just doesn't want to show it" explains Kiara.

"Yeah, as if," I snorted.

"Trust me, he does, however Zane hates showing emotion, he thinks of it as a sign of weakness, and that's the one thing he never would want to be perceived as," replied Kiara.

"As if anyone could think he's weak, I mean he's the scariest person in the whole of Los Angeles, and he's a person of great power, support and influence" I replied.

"Oh sweet Camilla, you don't know half of what's going on at the moment" says Kiara.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Okay look, I'm not supposed to be telling you this, however our rivalry with Italians is growing extremely tense, yesterday they tried to raid one of our warehouses, but we are able to catch them in the act, and Zane killed off every single one of the men who were there, I'm still not sure as to how they found out the location, however extra security measures are being enforced now" explained Kiara.

"Oh my God, is everyone okay, is Zane okay?" I asked, frantically.

"Relax, he's fine apart from the fact he came back last night soaked in the enemy's blood, but this isn't something that you should be worrying about, so please just forget about it for now" replied Kiara.

"Right, okay" I say.

Forget about it. How the hell can you tell me something like that happens to my fiance, that I should just forget about it. I mean does it happen so often that it becomes normal. You know what, why am I even caring about what happens to him, if he doesn't care about me I shouldn't even be giving him a second thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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