~ Chapter 2 ~ Get me out of this hell-hole

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~ Camilla POV ~

"Miss Diaz, miss Diaz it's time for you to wake up now" a soothing voice whispers, as she gently shakes me awake.

I blink open my eyes and once they've adjusted to the light, I see the familiar face of one of our maids Jenna. She was an older lady around her late 40's early 50's. She has dark brown hair with a few white streaks tied back into a slick bun. Jenna has been working as a maid in our family long before I was even born.

Her and my grandmother were quite close, until she passed. Jenna would be the one to console me, or clean my wounds after Juan's abuse, sometimes even saving me from beatings. I don't know how I would have been able to make it here, without her. I mean she is the only person here who would dare stand up to Juan. Everyone else either agreed with him or didn't say anything at all.

Jenna thought, no she wasn't like that, not at all. She didn't care about his mafia status or how cruel he can be. When she saw something unjust she will speak up about it.

"Oh my god, what time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes as I sit up.

I went to sleep at around 2'AM last night, as I couldn't sleep. Juan's words about me getting married just kept circling in my head whenever I was just about to sleep, causing me to get anxious all over again, however at some point, I think I just completely passed out due to the exhaustion.

"It's 7 o'clock Miss, the Volkov's are going to be here in around three hours" says Jenna.

"For that you woke me up, when I could've slept for another three hour's" I groaned, diving face first into my pillow.

"Well sweetheart, I'm afraid Juan wants you completely glam, when you are to meet with the Volkov's, to make a good first impression, and also to make sure they don't "reconsider sending you back to him" explains Jenna.

"Huh, doesn't he have an interesting sense of humour" I remark as Jenna drags me up and out of my bed.

"Don't listen to him Camilla, trust me by the time I'm done with you, nobody will want to let you out of their sight" says Jenna.

"This is weird. I don't think I've ever heard you refer to me by my first name before" I realised.

"You're right I haven't, but since you are leaving me now forever to get married, I suppose it couldn't hurt to leave the formalities behind" replies Jenna.

"Thank you, honestly I hate it whenever you called me Miss. It just made me feel like really old, but whenever I tried to bring it up you just lectured me" I explained.

She gives me one of her dimply, sweet (kind of wrinkly) old lady smiles.

"However, what I don't get is that you've always referred to me and my grandmother as "Miss" and "Ma'am"  but, for as long as I remember, you've never once addressed Juan formally. Why is that?" I questioned.

"Well I mean, I only address people like that because it's polite and respectful; frankly I have no respect for him since the day I started working here" Jenna answers.

"Damn Jenna, so you've just been subtly disrespecting him for years, and he has no idea" I laughed.

"Oh no, he knows that I don't formally address him on purpose, however when I made it clear I wasn't going to stop he just stopped pushing about it, and he just went with it" Jenna reveals.

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