~ Chapter 1 ~ Everything will change now

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~ Camilla's POV ~

It was a grey, rainy Tuesday morning. I was heading to work, at the bakery to start for the week. Apparently that "one more drink" Sunday evening, turned out to be way too many, as I found out the next morning, waking up to the hammering pain in my skull, and a wave of nausea overcoming me, as I finally made it to the bathroom. God it has been way too long, since the last time I woke up with a hangover, in fact it's been a long time since I let loose, and got completely wasted.

It's amazing for the moment, you just don't have a care in the world, that is until you pass out, and wake up the next morning sober, and feeling like complete shit, and your legs have just refused to move. So you're stumbling your way to the bathroom, so you don't vomit all over the carpets, and then spend the rest of the day trying to remove the vomit out of your unreasonably expensive carpets, your grandpa has installed from somewhere abroad to make himself look more sophisticated.

Finally, I arrived at the bakery, I still haven't come up with a set in stone plan, as I spent the whole of Saturday binge watching the Harry Potter movies. Then Sunday well you know how that went, and I couldn't even process anything. On Monday, all I was thinking about was how long till the painkillers kick in, so not a lot of planning done for the bakery, I really need to be smarter on what I spend my time on.

"Hey Tanya, how are you, were you able to manage the place on your own yesterday?" I asked, as I entered the bakery.

Tanya looked up from her phone, as she heard my voice. How does she never hear me? I mean, we literally installed a little bell, that dings every time someone enters.

"Yeah I was alright, and do you mean manage as in stand around here from 9-5, with absolutely nobody coming in then yeah, I was great in handling that" replies Tanya.

I roll my eyes at her in annoyance.

"Tanya I'm serious, you're not getting paid to go on your phone. I'm issuing a warning, but if it continues I will have to fire you, anyways we have something to discuss" I announce.

"Wait, wait, before you go back into your mean, strict boss mode, or whatever, I have to show you the funniest thing ever," interrupts Tanya, as she begins typing something up, on her phone.

"Tanya, this is important-" I begin, until I look down at what she's showing me.

"Are those, two giraffes fighting?" I question, as I give a bewildered look at the screen, showing two giraffes slamming their necks into each other.

"Yes it is, I saw it yesterday, while scrolling through Tik Tok, and I knew I had to show you tomorrow, because I just had to see your reaction," laughed Tanya.

"Do these actually hurt them, it just looks like they're playing around with each other?" I ask, still looking stunned at the video.

"Oh yeah, those hurt, the force of those punches can really hurt the giraffe, and they can stab each other with those little horn-like knobs on their head" explains Tanya, as she puts her phone back in her pocket, as the video ends.

"Why do they fight in the first place? I thought these guys were all cute non-violent animals" I questioned.

"Oh it's to establish among them, who gets to mate with all other females" Tanya smirks.

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