Chapter 18

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Lance burst into the bathroom as he waited for Massiah to repeat what he just heard.

"Umm I think we should give these two some time alone." Ava said as she grabbed Remy's hand.

"How far along are you?" Lance asked, but Massiah said nothing. Lance looked at her than at the ground. Letting out a loud sigh he walked over to her.

"Baby I'm sorry. If I knew this was going to happen I would of never forced you to come."

"Oh Lancceee please! What the fuck you thought she was going to give us a damn cookie! You knew she wasn't going to be okay with this! Hell I knew that! Ughhh and who the fuck she think she is putting a fucking label on my damn life! She has no clue what the fuck I've been through then she had the fucking nerve to bring my brother into this! Ughhh I should of punch the shit out of her wanna be Michelle Obama ass!"

Lance just stared at her he knew she was mad so he allowed her to vent.

"Massiah she's still my mother. You threatening her isn't making this any better."

She stopped and put her hand on her hip.

"Make what better Lance! What you choosing her over me? Because I can make this shit easier than it is."

"First off ain't nobody picking nobody! Two shut the fuck up because you ain't going nowhere and three calm yo ass down you is pregnant remember and I don't need anything happening to my child. Yes my mother is a pain in the ass and yes she was way out of line. We gone have to make this work because I'm not getting rid of you and she's my mother."

"Lance I'm not dealing with that damn lady."

"Massiah come on with the stubborn act! Be the bigger person."

"I am . I'm about to get my shit and go home. You can stay if you want but I'm leaving. "

Massiah said as she started towards the door. Lance quickly grabbed her hand pulling her back into the bathroom.

"I'm not done with you. We came together so we leaving together. Now answer my question."

"Ughhh WHAT question Lance!?"

"Lower your voice! And how far along are you?"

"Four weeks"

"So why you ain't tell me?"

"Lance can we please do this at home. I'm tired!" She whinned.

"No why you ain't tell me?"

"Because Lance I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a mom."

"Massiah what the hell you mean you're not sure if you're ready to be a mom? You was thinking about an abortion?! And not tell me?" Lance raised his voice and she knew he was angry and hurt at the same time.

"No I wasn't thinking about an abortion! I don't know what the fuck I was thinking! I just not ready to be a mom!"

"But you was ready to fuck me without a condom though were you! What the fuck you thought was going to happen!?"

"Stop it okay just shut up! Damn!"

"Naw ain't no stopping shit! Woman the fuck up, because you ain't getting rid of my seed. We made this baby so we gone take care of it. I told you I got you so trust me. You and my mama gone have to settle this shit, because I ain't having this mess around our child. Your brother case is going on so let's get through that first and deal with the rest later. I don't want you stressing about shit. You understand me!?"

He looked at her but she only stayed quiet as the tears ran down her face.

"Massiah do you understand me!" He asked as he lifted up her chin.

"Yes I understand you." Massiah said as she looked him in the eyes. Lance smiled as he kissed her before pulling her into a hug.

"Take a minute and get yourself together so we can go home."


"I got you trust me!" Lance said as he kissed her one more time before walking out the bathroom. Leaving Massiah there to gather her thoughts.


@ ExoticLuv_you

I do follow you guys back!

&'d yes I still have my Kik!
@ ExoticMangoDoll


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