chapter 14

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A week later......

Massiah had been keeping to herself for the past week. That night of the party after Lance left she decided it was her time to go. Not leaving a note nor saying good bye she just left and went back to her apartment. She had so many calls from everyone including Lance Josh and Remy. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Even when they came by the house she ignored the knocks and the ringing of the bell. She just need her space.

Walking to her mail box to get the mail as usual she ran into an old friend.

"You know you got people thinking you're dead right." Ava said as she placed her hands on her hip.

"Just needed space that's all."

"Well Remy and Lance are highly upset."

"They'll be alright." Massiah said as she held the door opened for Ava to come in. Throwing the mail on the table she went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Massiah are you okay?" Ava asked once she looked around the apartment. It was a mess, there were empty alcohol beverages all on the table.

"Yea girl Im fine. Wasn't feeling well earlier but I'm good now." Massiah said as she took a seat across from her.

"No Massiah are you Okay! Is something bothering you?"


"Gawd Massiah cut the bull Shit! Okay! All these damn empty bottles and you're telling me you're fine! Stop it! You don't answer your damn phone ,you don't answer your door! You know you have people that care and you're shutting us out! Stop it dammit just stop! Lance loves you Massiah. So let him!"

"Ava you sound stupid! Who the hell sits up and tell the woman they slept with that they husband is in love with them."

"First off let's put that thing with us in the past! Two he's not my husband anymore we got a divorce a week ago you would know that if your ass wouldn't have up and left and I told you Lance and I was meant to be friends."

"So y'all aren't married any more? What made y'all get the divorce?"

"I guess you opened both our eyes. Lance and I both knew that marriage wasn't meant to be. Plus he really likes you. Massiah Lance is an amazing guy. He's so loving such a provider. He's perfect...."

"If he's all that why divorce him?"

"Because he's perfect for YOU!"

Massiah looked at Ava before she allowed a tear to fall. She tried so hard not to become emotional.

"Ava I just have so much going on."

"Massiah that's life. We all go through things. Just give him a chance please."

"Gawd you guys are weird as hell." Massiah said laughing.

"He's going to always be my friend."

"Thanks Ava. So if y'all got a divorce where are you staying?"

"Massiah I told you I was well off financially. I told you I'm more wealthier than Lance. His mom hates to admit it but I am. So I'm good. He actually let me keep the house since I did all the decorations and he knows that's my dream house."

"So where is he staying?"

"He got a small apartment until his house is done. Maybe you can go see him later tonight. Massiah we're good trust me don't think for once that you ruined anything because of you we were set free. So thank you" Ava said as she hugged her. Massiah took a deep breath and exhaled as she hugged her back.

"Massiah call his ass or something because he acted like his pet died."

"What?" Massiah asked confused.

"He had a dog name pincho in 6th grade that got hit by a car and omg it was the end of the world for him. That's how I know he really care for you."

"Okay I'll call. Thanks for stopping by."

"You're welcome. See you later." Ava said before Massiah shut the door. She indeed missed Lance so she figured she could pay him a visit.

Grabbing all the empty bottles and cleaning up the place Massiah made her to the shower as she texted Ava and asked for Lance address.


See I do keep my promises! ❤❤❤


Lustful SinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora