chapter 3

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Massiah get yourself together!

"Lance this is Massiah." I heard Remy say as she introduced us. This man was beyond fine. He was breath taking.

"Massiah huh?" God he even sound sexy.

"Yea I mean yes Massiah. You can call me siah if you want."

"How many people call you siah?"

"Everyone." I answered as I watched him take his seat behind his desk.

"Exactly I'm not everyone Massiah." Oh God and he's cocky.

"Thanks Remy I'll take it from here." I watched as Remy closed the door.

"So is this how you come to work? No one ever told you your first impression is your last impression?"

Let's nip this shit in the bud now!

"Okay look I understand you're the one that's going to be signing my paychecks. And I also understand you can fire me I get that , but before we go any further I refuse to be belittled and disrespected. So that cocky shit can go out the window, And to answer your question no this is not how I dress to come to work. I was informed that I was going to be doing something else. I think I was wrong maybe this isn't the job for me." I said as I got up to walk out but was stop by the grip of his hand.

"I never said your wardrobe was a problem all I asked was a simple question. Remy already gave me the run down. She also informed me you don't take shit from anyone no matter how much Money they're worth. Forgive me if I came off as cocky."

"So you and Remy been talking about me?" I asked sitting down.

"Well something like that. She's dating a friend of mine and we all went out to dinner one evening and I was telling them how I needed an assistant and she figured you'll be great."

"Okay well I don't do that whole go get me a coffee thing. I'm just here to make sure you look good. Outfit wise because everything else you seem to have it down pact."

"Well thanks I try my best."

"So tell me is this why I only see women in short skirts and heels because their boss looks like this?"

"Look like what?"


"My mother considered they dress like that. I don't see how they walk in them damn shoes all day. I guess that's why I was startled by your wardrobe. Something I haven't seen in awhile."

"Oh okay well I'll blend in with the rest tomorrow."

"So you not walking out on me?"

"No I need the money, plus this will keep me occupied."

"Occupied from?"

"That's a story for another day."

"Okay that's fair." He said as he leaned back in his seat.

"I'm curious?"


"You needing an assistant. I mean all these ladies in this office I know they're dying to wait on you hand and foot why go look for an assistant?"

"For one I don't even know most of their names, two that's the problem I don't want someone to wait on me hand and foot. Three I get bored in this office so I wanted an assistant. And plus my mother think I do a horrible job picking out my suits."

"Oh okay. Do you have any kids or a wife?" I had to ask because I can't be fantasizing about this man and he's married.

"No I don't have any children and a wife hmmm why can't I have a girlfriend?"

"One I know you ain't single and two a business man like you has to be off the market."

"Hmmm assuming. What about you? Kids? Husband? Boyfriend?"

"None of the above. I'm focusing on me no time for the other things."

"Did you go to school?"

"Yes both high school and college graduated at the top of my class in both. "

"Smart I see."

"What I suppose to be dumb?"

"No. Why do you get defensive so quickly?"

"I'm sorry."

"You good. Well I guess this is it for today I'll see you tomorrow and dress to impress my mother will be here tomorrow have a big meeting and since you're the assistant you'll be there. "

"10-4 and what will I be doing? "

"Nothing looking occupied. You wont be doing any work around here I'll only need you at my home to lay out my clothes or alter me if needed."

"Soo I'll be at your home at all times?"

"Something like that ill pay you everyday before you leave."

" Okay."

"You must be available at all times im a very busy man. I'll write out a schedule and give it to Remy."

"At all times? What if im in the middle of something."

"You'll have to stop. I said at all times."

"Okay Mr. Gardner."

"Call me Lance" he said as he watched me exit his office.

What did I get myself into?


I know some of y'all like why she choose Boris kodjoe. Well I have a huggeee thing for him! So why not make him the star of my book! No this isn't a Boris story I just wanna use his sexy asx for my imagination.! Hmmm he so fuxking fine his personality is just ughh gAwd he's everything!

Oan: keep the votes coming.!


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