Chapter 2

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Massiah was beyond nervous. Today was the day she actually work her fashion magic in the big city.

"You got this Siah " she kept repeating to herself as she walked into the lavishing building.

Massiah had seen many things but she never seen anything this fancy. She put on a nervous smile as she stared at all the ladies in tight skirts and high heels.

Massiah freaked when she noticed her wardrobe she was dressed in a plain white T, with some jeans, and her sneakers, with a black leather jacket, and her favorite leopard scarf.

"Ahh there you go!"

"Remy my clothes.!"

"I know I'm sorry I tried to call you and tell you there where a change of plans. I kinda got you a new job instead of the one before." Remy said biting down on her lip not sure how siah was going to take the news.

"Remy new job! New as in how NEW!" Massiah semi screamed causing people to look they're way.

"Calm down." Remy said as she pulled her into the bathroom making sure every stall was empty.

"Don't tell me to calm down. Remy what did you do."

"New as in you're not doing fashion its more of assistaning one guy." Remy said super fast hoping siah didn't catch everything.

"assistaning as in what!?

"Nothing just making sure his suits and things are fitted nice."

"How much is the pay?"

"He didnt say but its good money!"

"Remy really!"

"Yes really! You'll love it."

"Who's the guy?"

"Ummm that's the thing he's the owner of all this!"

"All what?... this bathroom?"

"Yea the bathroom the first the second and third floor and so on."


"Massiah think about it, he's rich as hell so that means he know a lot of people. If you dress him well people will notice then they'll start asking and that's when you're name will be brought up."

"Ughh Remyyyy you couldn't start me off with something small let me get my feet wet before you drown me!"

"Stop being dramatic. It'll be a great opportunity for you. Here change clothes with me."

Massiah stopped and admired Josh's sister outfit.

"Remy that's going to be tight on my ass. I am thicker than you. I'm fine, if he don't like it ol'well.".

"So you taking the job?"

"Yeah! "

Yayyeee! Okay well let's go meet him he's waiting on you."

"Waiting on me?"

"Yes girl waiting on you let's go."

Massiah picked up her bag and followed Remy to the elevator. She was nervous as hell but she needed the money.

"How do I look Remy?"

"You look good . Are you ready?" Remy asked as they stood in front of a big door. Massiah swolled hard before she shook her head Yea.

Remy gave three knocks before they were invited in.

Massiah eyes poped as she noticed the view of his office it was to die for.

"So is this the first impression I get is you keeping me waiting?" Massiah turned around as the pool of liquids began to flow in her panties from the sound of his voice. She bit the inside of her lips as she tried to control the mini orgasm that was starting to take place as she stared at her new boss.

"Oh Yea I forgot to tell you he's fine as hell." Remy whispered.


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