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' '-for thoughts
" "- when speaking
"Hello! I'm system 59 and you are my host starting from today" system 59 looked at the beautiful boy Infront of it and almost thought he was a girl.

it was a great thing it decided to visit the soul bridge of the underworld today, or else he would've never expected to see a hidden gem mixed with souls that wouldn't get a chance to reincarnate.

It was especially great since as a beginner system it already was able to aquire a host, especially since he was 59 to last of the systems. It was quite embarrassing especially since all the other systems belowed him already have host and started to do tasks, that's why most of the systems are getting promoted and was able to get the main systems recognition in which it wanted to(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)

"I see and.. what am I suppose to do?"bai zheng looked cautious as he looked at the white light speaking.

As he looked at the system, the system also looked at bai zheng who looked pale and a pushover which the system thought was great since it would be easier for it to convince the boy

"Don't worry it's an easy task you just have to play the role and do the task the we receive, if you earn enough points you can reincarnate once again (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)" the floating ball flew around  it's space as if excited, while the boy stood there looking cowardly as he grabbed the floating ball that was running around gently and the light of ball finally stopped moving and looked at the pale and weak boy and said "I'll transfer you to the first world now(⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)" the light ball got out of the boy's hands and started running around, unknown to him the weak and pale boy revealed a slight grin and let off a deadly and sinister aura compared to the weak demeanor earlier..
(See you all soon , I'll realease 1 or 2chapters I can't really be sure since class is starting soon )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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