I held his fingers within mine as I spoke. "Nobody is letting me go to our mansion nor anyone is acknowledging my presence here. It's like I am unconscious instead of you. Wake up soon, Manik. Everything is so dull and boring without you."

I sat there for few more minutes and my legs started shaking without anything to do.

"Argh! I am going crazy sitting in a single place, Manik. Why is that everyone gets to do what they wish except me? Alya, Cabir, and even the soldiers are working on something to give you a surprise as soon as you wake up. What should I do? Just stay and watch." I stood up freeing our fingers.

"I will go to the mansion and check what's happening there. I am the Mafia Boss girlfriend afterall and not just a princess. If there's a flood I shall switch on the fan and let it dry. If the building is collapsed I shall rebuild it with glue. I will do anything to bring the mansion in its glory." I smiled with determination.

You can relax, Manik. Nandini Murthy is entering the field and I shall reduce your workload as you wake up. You might even be so impressed with me handling the work that you will agree to marry me. Afterall, who wouldn't want a woman who is independent.

I will make things right, Manik. It's me  versus the world. Let's see who will impress you the most. Alya, Cabir, the soldiers or Nandini, the dragon.

Satisfied with my new goal, I kissed his forehead and wished him a speedy recovery. Finally, I got something to do which will be beneficial for the Empire.

I walked out of his room and looked around the building from the balcony and saw the guards in their positions. Why is everyone armed? Usually the ones next to gates have guns on them and the rest of the guards would walk around casually. Why are they extra today?

The soldiers who used to be inside the building were also outside heavily armed. Cabir and Alya are on their toes with different types of papers in their hands and lecturing their subordinates. What's happening?

I am free to roam inside the office as it's sparsely secured from inside. But the problem is going out passing all these guards around the gates. What should I do?

"Piss off! We are not giving the food supplies to the mansion." Alya yelled at someone.

"This is a deal for extension of two more days." A soldier said holding out a paper.

Alya fumed. She held the corner of the paper so tight that it almost ripped. "AUB, transport five barrels of vegetables and other food supplies to the mansion."

Oh my vegetable friends! I missed you all a lot.

So, they are sending the vegetable barrels to the mansion. Once again, my vegetables became my saviour. Elders are always correct, Vegetables are man's best friend.

I immediately ran to the kitchen before the soldiers could get inside. The chef was present in the kitchen who looked surprised to see me in the kitchen. So this is the man who is cooking bland, tasteless food.

"Hey, Cooker, Alya is calling you." I lied so that he would leave this place.

"Cooker? I am a chef. Why is ladyboss calling me?" He frowned.

"Chef and cooker, both are same. She is calling you to give you left and right for cooking such tasteless food. Now hurry up, she hates people who are late." I said keeping a straight face and he fell for it.


As soon as he left the kitchen I looked for the vegetable barrels and a sense of happiness filled my heart. I removed a few lettuce balls and dropped them into the curry water on the stove as I didn't know where to hide them. I jumped into the half empty barrel and kept the lid above my head.

"Pick the barrels and hurry up. It would take us 3 hours to reach the mansion and we must keep them fresh." Someone spoke as they entered the kitchen.

"And you, why would you even think the Boss would meet a low rank chef? She would send anyone to kill you directly if situation arises." He said to the Chef.

"How would I know? Some lady came and informed me and I believed her." The chef tried to defend himself.

"What lady?"

"I don't know, she has messy hair and loose, unmatched clothing and weird language. Maybe a homeless." The chef said making me control my self from lashing out on him.

"Speak slowly. She is the Princess." The other one tried to calm her.

As they discussed about my identity I was already in the air as the workers lifted the barrels and kept me in the vehicle. I clutched my heart with fear till the vehicle came to life and it moved leaving the headquarters.

Finally, I am out of the gates. Uff, it's a relief. Now, I can relax all these hours till I can reach the mansion. I almost felt sleepy with the vehicle rocking me as it drove the miles and miles to reach the mansion. But I stayed alert not giving into my temptations.

A few hours later, we finally reached the mansion and it's almost evening as the sun already set leaving the faint white sky. The barrels were slowly unloaded and carried till the mansion's kitchen. Once all were kept inside the soldiers walked out and I took a deep breath.

That feeling of familiar walls of the mansion crept over me as I opened the lid of the barrel. A delicious aroma caught my nose as the chef's were cooking something green water.

As soon as they spotted me in the kitchen all of them gasped and bowed their heads to me in respect.

I smiled.

"Delicious. What are you cooking?" I questioned.

"Thai Green curry." The chef replied.

"But why is it so little as if you are serving to only one person?" I said lifting the bowl to my body.

"Well, it's specially ordered and made with premium ingredients for ...." He kept rambling in the background as I brought the bowl with me and walked out of the kitchen.

With every step I took forward I kept eating the curry. It was so delicious that it made a perfect welcome meal for me. Ah! Missed the mansion food.

As the bowl reached till the end I looked around the mansion and it was normal. There was nothing abnormal happening here. Why is everyone so worried in the office?

I walked more in the living room and my eyes caught Manik's study room which was lit and door ajar. How is it possible?

I took a step further to get a clear view and I saw few soldiers in the room covering someone sitting in Manik's chair.

My Manik's Chair!

"Oye!" I yelled loud to gain their attention.

As expected they moved a little and my eyes turned red seeing Harshad sitting on the chair.

I thought nothing at that moment. All I know is that bullock cart is touching what belongs to only my Manik and I grit my teeth.

Fisting my hand around the half eaten curry bowl, I threw it right on Harshad's face before they could react or process my actions.

The curry dripped all over his face and left green color marks over his white coat.

Harshad gritted his teeth and stared at me dangerously as I marched towards him with long steps. My steps were halted as soon as the soldiers around him pointed their guns at my forehead.


How is the update?

Is it a good move for Nandu to visit the mansion when Manik is not recovered?

What do you think of Harshad sitting in Manik's chair?

Do you have any unanswered questions left in this story?

Do you have any ideas for Manan scenes you wish to read?

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