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little bumps appear
on my sensitive skin;
harmless at first

it's dry
my sensitive skin;
it itches
and i scratch

my mind screams at me to stop,
my hands
oh they move on their own accord
as if they have a
life of their own.

restlessly, they scratch,
a wave of pleasure overwhelms me; and
the itch temporarily disappears

it's dry
my sensitive skin;
it cracks open
pain bursts forth

but nothing beats
the hiss that comes next ;
when i look at my nails
and all i see is red
followed by a stinging pain

regret rolls in waves
as i succumb once again; to that temptation
that temporary pleasure
being forced to deal with the aftermath
once again
and the ugly dark scars
and the pain for the next few days
patiently waiting for it to heal and
the sting ; as i apply more cream

all is well
till those

little bumps appear
on my sensitive skin;
harmless at first

all over again

words from my musesWhere stories live. Discover now