"Oh, I see," Levi responded, "Is that why you blew off my people's heads, then? Cause it's fulfilling?" Levi tapped me on the shoulder and motioned to the bottle on the lowest shelf. I looked and saw that I could see a slight reflection of Kenny. I reached up and inconspicuously turned the bottle so I could see the whole picture.

"Yup. To achieve my grand goal, I'll kill as many as get in my way," He responded. He was pointing the gun at the counter, ready to shoot the moment one of us stood up. "And you're no different. You kill too when it benefits you."

Levi reaches behind him and pulls a rifle from off the shelf. He holds it in front of both of us in an awkward position. I was a little confused until he responded, "Yeah." He flung the gun backward and once it hit the counter; he pulled the trigger. Kenny had blocked it but had stumbled out into the street. I jumped up and swung myself over the counter, Levi had jumped on top of it and was knelt down. He handed the man back his gun and said, "Thanks for the help, old man." Levi and I glanced at each other, and we both had the same idea. I grabbed a chair and threw it out the side window, there was a shot and then we took off out the window. Levi launched his grapple into the face of the man who had shot the chair. I was a bit disturbed. Killing people was not something I imagined I'd be doing as a scout. Levi and I grappled up onto the roof. I stood behind him and he used the lifeless body of the man he had just killed as a shield. Kenny's squad shot at us until they ran out of bullets. Then, Levi ditched the body and I slingshot myself forward and slit the throats of the two men standing in our way, killing them instantly. 

After about thirty seconds of searching, I spotted the cart with Eren and Historia in it. They were still passed out cold. "Levi!" I shouted, grabbing his attention. I pointed at the cart and we both sped up to catch it. I heard cables whirring behind me and turned to see one of Kenny's men point a gun at me. Just as he pulled the trigger, Levi shot a grapple into the man's torso and the bullet missed me. He pulled the guy towards us, and I launched myself forward and used my blades to slit the soldier's throat. I came to a stop against the wall and turned back to see my squad members close behind. "Follow the wagon!" I ordered. They nodded in acknowledgement and began following Levi and me. 

"Listen up! These soldiers were trained to fight other people. They've already taken out three of ours. If you hesitate for so much as a second, you'll be dead. The moment you see an opening, go for the kill," Levi instructs. 

"Yes, sir," Mikasa says determinedly. I launch my right cable into one of the men in the cart and retract it, making him fly off onto the road. Two more of the guys take off of the cart toward Levi and I.

I think quickly and decide to make a judgement call, "Armin! Secure the wagon with Jean! We'll keep you two covered!" 

Armin looks hesitant and before replying, "Uh- Yes!" Jean looks slightly horrified, and I heard him muttering something to himself, but I couldn't quite make it out. "Come on!" Armin urged before zipping down onto the wagon. The woman steering the cart turned toward them, but Mikasa was quick to knock her back into the cart. Jean pointed his blade at her but didn't make any move to kill her. The girl slowly rolled over and used her gun to knock his blade out of his hand. I was busy fighting off my own opponent, and I couldn't help him. From the corner of my eye, I saw her pointing her gun at him. There was a shout and a gunshot. I was praying that it wasn't Jean. When I looked back, I saw the girl dead on the ground and Armin holding a smoking pistol. Now that I knew they were okay, I was focused on the fight again. I flew head on and the man in front of me and shoved my blade completely through his torso. I released both blades from the handles and watched him fall to the ground. I replaced the blades and turned the corner to be in sight of the wagon. 

I saw two men and a woman all aiming their guns at Armin and Jean. "Shit! Armin! Jean!" I warned. Levi and I flew down fast from opposite ends of the street. He grabbed Armin and I grabbed Jean. We moved out of the way just in time. There were now bullet holes directly where they had been standing. The remaining soldiers landed in the cart and shot at us as they entered a tunnel in the wall. I skidded to a halt on the ground. I saw Mikasa try to run after them, but I grabbed her and held her back. "Let them go. We're running on fumes."

Levi Ackerman x Reader (Without You)Where stories live. Discover now