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 I gently pet his hair, hoping it would calm him down a little when the door is slowly opened by someone. Shit...

What do I do? I don't have enough time to react, so I won't able to make myself go invisible. The door is slowly opened to reveal..."Tanjiro? What are you doing here?" I internally let out a sigh of relief. Thank god it was Tanjiro and not someone else. Had it been one of the Hashira...it would've been really bad. "Sabito-san, I heard noises coming from Tomioka-san's room so I thought I'd come check..." Tanjiro says with a nervous smile. Nezuko then runs to Giyuu and grabs his arm drawing Tanjiro's attention to the cuts. "Did Tomioka-san...?" Tanjiro asks hesitantly, shock and sadness taking over his features. He hesitantly knelt down in front of Yuu along with Nezuko. "Yes." I said while looking away. It was my fault, I wasn't there to stop him. I knew he cut himself and I still didn't say anything about it. "Mhm..." Nezuko said sadly, while patting Yuu's hair. "Why...?" Tanjiro asked with tears welling up in his eyes. "He was most likely triggered by a nightmare..." I said while looking down at Yuu sadly. At least he was able to get some sleep now. "Giyuu has always suffered from nightmares, but in the past it wasn't this bad..." I said sadly, concerned for Yuu. Did this all happen because of my death? Was Giyuu really this affected by my death? Forgive me, Yuu. This time I won't leave you, for sure. "Tanjiro, why did you leave-EHHH WHO ARE YOU? IS THAT THE WATER HASHIRA? WHO ARE YOU TO THE WATER HASHIRA?" Tanjiro's lemon haired friend screeched. Great, these people are here. "OH IT'S THE STRONG GUY WITH THE HALF AND HALF HAORI!!!" Tanjiro's friend with the boar head said while pointing at Yuu. I quickly covered Yuu's ears before shouting "SHUT UP, CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S SLEEPING!" "HAH? WHO ARE YOU? FIGHT ME!!!" What is with this kid? "YOU CAN'T ASK RANDOM STRANGERS TO FIGHT YOU!" The lemon haired boy shouted, while smacking the boar guy. Will they ever shut up? I'm starting to get pissed. I looked over to Tanjiro who just gave me an apologetic smile. "Inosuke, Zenitsu. Stop it." Tanjiro said firmly. "HEY WHAT'S WITH THOSE CUTS ON THE HALF AND HALF HAORI GUY'S ARM???" The boar guy said. Oh great..."The Water Hashira...cuts?" The lemon haired boy said while turning towards Tanjiro. "WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO CUT?!? I'LL DO IT TOO!" The boar head guy shouted. "Inosuke, no." Tanjiro said while the lemon haired boy let out a sigh. "Why did he do it?" The lemon haired boy questioned while looking between me and Tanjiro. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO SCARED? THIS GUY IS STRONG, HE WON'T BE HURT!" The boar head guy exclaimed. I wish Yuu thought about himself the way this guy thinks about him. "You're an idiot." The lemon haired boy said with a disgusted look before he noticed Nezuko was sad and pulled her into a comforting hug. Tanjiro let out a tired sigh before getting up and leaving the room. Few seconds later, he came back with a medical kit in his hand. "IS HE DEAD?" The boar guy asked while pounding his fists on Giyuu. I quickly grabbed Giyuu, pulling him away from this boar guy. I'm glad he cares for Yuu but is he serious right now? I turn to look at Tanjiro who had started bandaging Giyuu's arm. "Inosuke, he isn't dead it's just he's...emotionally suffering." Tanjiro explained. "What does that mean?" The boar guy asked, slightly calm for once. Thank god, I was really scared they'd wake Yuu up. But Yuu is an Hashira, he should surely be sensitive to loud sounds, in case a demon attacks. It's concerning he hasn't woken up yet. Just how long has he gone without proper sleep? "It means Tomioka-san's really, really sad, Inosuke." Tanjiro said with a sad smile. "THEN I'LL BRING HIM ACORNS TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER!" The boar guy declared loudly. I swear to god, this guy- "Inosuke, if you want to help Tomioka-san you should tell him that you look up to him. I'm sure he'll be happy knowing just that much." Tanjiro said with his usual bright smile. So, the boar guy looks up to Yuu...Suddenly the boar guy was silent before he said "I'LL BRING HIM ACORNS TOO!" He said while pulling out acorns from who knows where. Oh my god, this guy....I felt Yuu shift a little bit in his sleep. Tanjiro seemed to notice this and said "Guys, we should let Tomioka-san rest in peace. Let's go." One by one the all left. Nezuko lifted Giyuu's hand and placed it on her head, making him pat her head.  She then walked back to Tanjiro, reaching for his hand. "Take care of Tomioka-san..." Tanjiro whispered before leading Nezuko out. Man, they are all such pains...But I'm glad they care about Yuu. I felt Yuu shift again before he let out a sleepy sigh and groggily opened his eyes. They had woken him up after all. "Good morning Yuu!" I greeted him with a bright smile. He slowly sat up on my lap before greeting me back sleepily and burying his head in my neck. "Tired?" I asked with a chuckle only to receive a nod in response. My gaze fell to his arms..."Did you bandage my arms?" Yuu asked, noticing me staring at them. "No, Tanjiro did." I replied. "Tanjiro...?" He said, his eyes widening in shock. "He heard you crying so he came to check on you and his friends joined in. Nezuko noticed your cuts and Tanjiro bandaged them." He seemed shock for a while before a small smile appeared on his face. It almost immediately vanished though, when he turned towards me and asked "Did they all see my arms?" I nodded my head in response. "They must think I'm weak..." He whispered while looking down sadly. I turned him to face me and said "Giyuu, none of them think any differently of you. In fact, the boar head kid seems to really look up to you. He even left these acorns as a way of telling you to get better- He doesn't know what cutting means." I reassured Giyuu. Giyuu was silent, his smile returning to his face. "I really missed your smile..." I whisper softly making him blush and look away. 

"Are you mad at me for cutting?" Yuu asked after a while, making sure to avoid eye contact. I let out a soft sigh. "No, Giyuu, I'm just sad you resorted to this. I want to know why." I reassured while offering him a small smile. "I know it's wrong...it just helps with the pain...and I feel like I deserve it, anyway..." Yuu said hesitantly. "Giyuu. You don't deserve it, you've done nothing wrong. And now that I'm here, I promise to help you. Okay?" I said gently while grabbing his hands. He just nodded in response. I'll make sure to throw away the knife later. 





"Who all are we waiting for?" Master asked his children calmly with his usual soft smile. "S-Shinazugawa-san and Tomioka-san, Master." Mitsuri responds nervously, knowing too well what's about to happen next. "Of course that emo bitch doesn't show up. I hate how he waltzes in which ever meetings he wants to and skips meetings he deems useless." Iguro said, Kaburamaru hissing in agreement. "FEAR NOT, I'M SURE TOMIOKA HAS A GOOD REASON FOR NOT SHOWING UP, ALTHOUGH IT CERTAINLY IS UNUSUAL FOR SHINAZUGAWA TO NOT SHOW UP!!!" Rengoku exclaimed loudly. "Flashy take, Rengoku" Uzui complimented. "Thank you, best buddy!!" Rengoku exclaimed in his usual loud voice. "I wonder why Shinazugawa-san is late." Said Kocho with her usual fake smile, although you could see a hint of impatience in her eyes. 'Shinobu-chan is smiling as usual! How beautiful!' Mitsuri thought while blushing. 'Shinazugawa isn't usually late, wonder what happened to him.' Iguro thought curiously. Just then Shinazugawa shows up, apologising to his master. "Well, looks like Tomioka won't be joining us today." Master said calmly. "Tch, of course the egoist is late." Shinazugawa complains only to be quieted by Shinobu "Ara, Ara, Shinazugawa-san you really can't be talking, can you?~" Mitsuri thought it was a little rude but cool of Shinobu to comment. "Well then settle down children. I've called you all here..." 

"Psst, dude what took you so long?" Iguro whispered to Shinazugawa. "I couldn't find my clothes, someone must've stolen them." Shinazugawa whispered back. "I bet it was Tomioka." Iguro whispered with venom laced in his voice."Dude, I hate Tomioka as much as you do, but we can't just blame everything bad that happens on him." Shinazugawa-san said in mock sadness. Iguro just let out a sigh before turning his attention back to his Master, Shinazugawa doing the same. 












A/N: I hope you all liked this chapter! Please be sure to leave a comment so I can try my best to improve in future chapters! Question for you: Kiss, marry, kill: Giyuu, Muichiro, Mitsuri

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