Urokodaki gets sick?!? Pt.2

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-After awhile Giyuu and Sabito get bored and decide to go to the medicine shop.-

Shopkeeper #2: Oh heyyyyy! We just finished making your medicine!

Shopkeeper #1: "Just finished."

-They had actually finished making the medicine 30 minutes ago, but Shopkeeper #2 wanted to give them more time together.-

Sabito: *goes up to the counter to get the medicine*

Shopkeeper #2: So, did you do it?!?

Sabito: Huh? Do what? I have no clue what you're talking about. 

Shopkeeper #2: Don't play dumb with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Sabito: No, I don't. You must be crazy-

Shopkeeper #2: *death glares*

Sabito: Fine...I um...didn't confess....

Shopkeeper #2: WHYYYY?!?

Sabito: I realised now was not the time. 


Shopkeeper #1: So...Did anything interesting happen with...the brat.*motions towards Sabito*

Giyuu: Uhh...no not really...

Shopkeeper #1: *eyes Giyuu really closely* huh...if you say so...

Sabito: Giyuu, let's go! I got the medicine! *grabs Giyuu's hand*

Giyuu: Ah! Bye bye, both of you! Thank you very much! 

Shopkeeper #1: Bye.

Shopkeeper #2: BYEEEE! 

-Once Giyuu and Sabito exit the shop.-

Giyuu: Sabito? Do you remember the way back home?

Sabito: A little bit. We can ask some people too.

Giyuu: You're doing the asking. *hides behind Sabito because he's a ✨shy boi✨* 

Sabito: Yeah, yeah *ruffles Giyuu's hair*

Giyuu: Stop messing my hair up! I need to look presentable! *pouts*

Sabito: Okay *ruffles Giyuu's hair again while laughing*

Giyuu: STOP IT!

-After that they walk in a comfortable silence until...-

Giyuu: Hey, Sabito...?

Sabito: Yea *looks at Giyuu*

Giyuu: Um...thank you...for today...It was really fun and helped me relieve my stress...I really enjoyed spending more time with you...*hides his face behind the bouquet of flowers (yes, he still has it)*

Sabito: *eyes widen in surprise before he smiles softly* I'm glad you enjoyed it, Yuu.

Giyuu: Do you think Urokodaki-sensei would like what we got him?

Sabito: *grumbles* He'd better

Giyuu: *lightly shoves Sabito* Be respectful!

Sabito: Wha-it's true though-You spent so much time and effort, he'd better.

Giyuu: You're hopeless.

Sabito: So are you.

-They walked the rest of the way to Urokodaki's house, joking around with Sabito teasing Giyuu and Giyuu getting flustered. When they got back home, Urokodaki was asleep. Little did they know, he was faking it.-

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