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I reached for my knife when it was suddenly slapped out of my hands. I look up to see "S...Sabito...?" How is he here? He's supposed to be dead! No, no, I'm imagining things! That's it! I've finally lost my mind! I miss Sabito so much I'm imagining him here. I let out a dry laugh. Have I really missed Sabito so much that I'm imagining him talking to me? Do I need him to comfort me that much, that I'm imagining him in front of me? How pathetic can I be...? "So I'm imagining things now...? I've finally lost it, huh?" I whisper to myself only to have my shoulders grabbed by this imposter. By this figment of my imagination. By this Sabito faker. "I'm real, Giyuu." the faker says in a stern voice. The voice that Sabito always used whenever he lectured me...The voice that I'd missed so, so much over the years..."YOU'RE NOT REAL SO STOP ACTING LIKE SABITO!" I scream at the faker. Sabito is dead...Sabito is dead...Sabito is dead...Sabito is dead...He isn't real...He isn't real...I was slowly pulled into a hug. It had the same warmth and smell as Sabito...The smell of grass and wood..."You can't be alive..." I said while falling onto my knees. "Please let me explain, Yuu." Yuu...Sabito used to call me that...It was his nickname for me..."Fine." I say hesitantly. Sabito took a deep breath before speaking again. "After Final Selection, I woke up on Mt. Sagiri as a ghost along with another girl named Makomo. She also used to be the old man's student. We assumed the reason we were stuck on the mountain was to train Tanjiro, so when Tanjiro slayed the demon that killed me, I was under the impression that I'd die. But the next day, I woke up in your estate..!" He explained hastily. So he'd met Tanjiro..."If you're a ghost, how come I can see you?" I asked him. "Ah, see that's the thing I'm confused about too. I have the ability to control when I'm visible and when I'm not, that's how I helped Tanjiro. Also, when I make myself visible, I can touch things and people." He finished with a nervous smile. "So...you're really here? I'm not crazy?" I ask still not believing that Sabito was here in front of me. "Yes, Giyuu." He chuckled while ruffling my hair. I quickly tackled him into a hug before shouting "I missed you so much! I'm sorry you died because of me! I'm sorry I was so weak!" Sabito then grabbed my shoulders and said "Stop blaming yourself for things you can't control. My death was not your fault. I chose to fight that demon, I overestimated my abilities. Understand?" This reminded me of old times...I quickly nod my head, earning a satisfied look from Sabito. "Now go to sleep, you need rest." Sabito said. "Can you come with me?" I asked while looking down at the ground. I know it was childish, but I really missed Sabito. I didn't want to stay away from him, in case I lost him again. I don't know how long he'll be here..."Sure, Yuu. First go change your clothes." 

-For Giyuu, that night was the happiest night in the past 8 years. It was also the first time he had a good night's sleep in a while, all thanks to Sabito. The next morning Sabito woke up first and decided to make Giyuu breakfast. He swore to take care of him from now on.-


I awoke to a bright light entering my room. Ugh..who opened my curtains? I looked to the other side of the bed to see...no Sabito...So it had been a dream after all...I knew it was too good to be true. I let out a sigh before getting up to get dressed. There's no point dwelling over a dream. A dream is a dream. I walked to the kitchen to see...Sabito cooking. "Good morning, Yuu!" He greeted me cheerfully. So it wasn't a dream? I'm glad...."Morning..." I reply half-heartedly. "Sit down, I almost finished making breakfast!" Sabito yelled from the kitchen. I wasn't really hungry...but if it's Sabito making the food, I guess I'll try to eat a little bit...

"Here I made Salmon Daikon. It's your favourite right?" Sabito said, while setting a bowl before me. "You still remember...thank you...What about you?" I asked when I noticed Sabito didn't make any for himself. "I'm a ghost remember? I don't need food." He replied with a pleased look. "Oh..." I said while looking at the ground, embarrassed. I hesitantly pick up the chopsticks and start eating slowly. "It tastes good..." I said softly while eating the food quicker. "Slow down, Yuu. I'm glad you like the food but you'll choke if you eat too fast. You're still the same as ever. Let me wipe the food off your face." Sabito exclaimed while wiping pieces of rice of my face. I suddenly felt very embarrassed. "Thank you..." I said while setting the bowl down on the table gently. We sat in silence for a while before I decided to ask the question that had been bugging me since this morning. "Sabito...is this ghost thing...temporary...?" I ask while looking down at the ground, trying to blink away my tears. "Giyuu...You should enjoy the time you have with me right now. We'll think about me dying later.-" Sabito started. "I can't, Sabito...I can't bear to loose you again...I'll find a way to bring you back to life, I promise." I declare while looking straight at Sabito, to let him know I'm serious. "Giyuu I'm dead, you can't bring the dead back to life-" Sabito started to reason but I cut him off by saying "If Tanjiro can try to turn Nezuko back into a human, why can't I try to bring you back to life?" I shot back. Sabito opened his mouth to protest but closed it. "I promise to bring you back to life, Sabito."










A/N: I'm sorry for the shorter chapter, I've been trying to post as much as possible. Question for you: Kiss marry kill- Shinobu, Iguro, Sanemi?

Our Tragic Love Story (Sabigiyuu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora