The Plan

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Yes! Yes, it is all coming together. I thought I might have issues with the place. It has been abandoned for so long. I was surprised to find that the electricity and water were still connected. Mother must be paying the bills from afar. She always said she had money that Daddy didn't know about.

I think it fits the creep factor just right. After all, it has quite the reputation for being haunted in this little town. Might as well let it live up to its reputation, right? I told Mother about it and my plans and she just laughed and laughed.

Until I told her my plans for you. Then she did nothing but criticize and remind me that falling in love with my dad was the worst and weakest thing she could have done. She pointed out she sees more of him in me everyday and less of her. Sometimes I wonder if that is really the tragedy she makes it out to be. Look how she turned out.

She doesn't know you, though. She doesn't understand. She doesn't see how great we could be. We'll show her.

Now, off to make the invitations and an offer that I hope none of you can resist.

The Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें