"First of all, you can't use something I just told you against me, and secondly, there's no way superman is better than spiedy." Damien said.

"And why is that?" Questioned Topher.

"Spiderman has way better films, that's why."

"That's the only thing they have that's better, superman comics and animated movies are superior."

It was Damien's turn to gasp. "How dare you speak such lies. Let's ask Kai, whatever he says is the correct answer."

Topher crossed his arms over his chest. "Well be prepared to lose because he's going to agree with me."

Damien gave him an amused look. "Why would my boyfriend agree with you?"

"He's your boyfriend but he's my brother in law, and I'm pretty sure he prefers me."

"We'll see about that." Damien said turning to me.

"Babe, who's a better superhero, spiderman or superman."

"Superman." I answered without missing a beat.

Damien gasped dramatically and clutched his chest at the same time that Topher started doing a weird little victory dance.

"Ha" He laughed pointing at his brother. "I told you."

"Babe, how could you? How could you betray me like that and allow him to win?" Said Damien still clutching his chest as if I had just stuck my hand in his chest and ripped his heart out.

I rolled my eyes at my dramatic boyfriend. "I love you but I'll have to agree with Toph on this one." I said causing Topher to give me a fist bump.

"All of you are wrong." Said the voice of Matthew, Topher and Damiens' father, causing all of us to turn our attention to the door.

"Well Superman is alright, and spiderman is trash." He said with his arms folded. "But the best of the best is Batman, and no one better not argue with me on that, because stand by what I said."

"Come on dad, Batman is so lame. He doesn't even have good villains." Said Topher.

"The joker is one of the best, if not the best villain in comic book history. How can you even say such a thing like that." Matt argued.

"I'm assuming that you boys are done packing your bags since you'll have time to be talking about superheroes." Said Olivia coming out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I hope you boys have already packed." Said Matthew.

Olivia turned to look at her husband. "I meant you too."

"What? I though you packed for me." He said.

She smiled at him. "Of course I did."


"It's not like that's the first time you're doing it. I want you to get used to it so by the time you're ready to do your exam you'll know exactly what you're doing." Damien said.

"OK, I'll do it." I told him.

"Good, now go start the car, I'll be there in a minute." He told me.

Olivia was sending Damien and I in the supermarket to do the grocery shopping because she was rather busy, and Damien thought that it would be a great idea for me to drive.

I tried telling him that it was a bad idea, but he insisted that we would be fine, because it's not my first time driving, as I had done it that one time we went on a date and I had to get us away from the security.

Apparently he took that one single incident as me having 'experience' even if that time I was driving on the wrong side of the road.

I unlocked the black range rover and got in the drivers seat. I started the car, and waited for Damien.

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