I finally get back home from working a short shift. "I'm home!" I yell as I open the door to see my little brother. "Hey Hye-Jin!" he runs up to me. "Do you have any snacks?" He questions desperately.

"Let me check real quick," I tell him. I close the door behind me and kneel on the ground opening my backpack. I dig trying to find some but sadly don't. "Sorry Jun, I don't have any." I sadly tell him.

He frowns as if he was about to cry. I feel bad for him so I decide to cheer him up. "Hey, why don't we go to a nice restaurant just the two of us and you can get whatever you want."

I say with a smile on my face. His facial expressions change. He gets very excited. "Really!, are you serious right now!?" He asks.

I nod in response. I know we're kind of struggling a little bit but he deserves better. "When?" "After I take a shower then we can go," I tell him.

"Okay!" He runs to his room and closes the door behind him. I sigh as I get up. "Suji!" I call out. Our dog comes running into my arms. "Hey boy, are you hungry?" I say in a nice taunting voice.

I place him some treats and start to get ready. I take a cold shower and decide what I should wear. I put on a nice pair of black shorts and a plain T-shirt. I said it was a nice restaurant, not a fancy one so I'm going casually. I grab a jacket to go along with.

"Jun I'm ready, we should get going!" I yell. "Go where?" I turn to see my mother. "Oh, just a restaurant so I can get Jun some food because he's hungry ." I try to convince her so she doesn't get mad.

"Are you serious right now? I mean we are basically poor and you're going to a restaurant, what a waste of money, dumb bitch." She says as she lights her cigarette.

"Can you go smoke outside? And it's for Jun to eat, he hasn't eaten proper food thanks to somebody." I step up my game.

"Don't tell me what to do bastard! and don't even try to make me look like the bad guy, you're a piece of shit you know that?" She raises her voice.

"Well, he deserves it. Can't you be a mother for once and cook a decent meal for your son?, you know I don't even think he would consider you as his mother anymore, just an old hag who tells him what to do every day." I guilt trip her.

"Enough!" She slaps me across the face. I think I've had enough for tonight. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again, Jeon Hye-Jin!" "You reek of alcohol and sweat." I whisper to her. But you know me, of course, I didn't stop.

She punches me. It was worth it though. Someone needs to humble this lady. And one punch ain't gonna do it. "Shut the fuck up asshole before I hurt you." I push her weak body off of me.

"Jun hurry up would you!" I wait for a second.

No response.


No response.

What the hell? I Take off my shoes and walk toward his room. My mother follows after me. I open the door of his room. I gasp as I see his body lie on the ground.

"Jun!?" I run up to him. I slap his face trying to wake him up. "Jun!" I cry out loud. "Call the ambulance!" I yell. My mom rushes to the phone in the living room.

He's unresponsive. Tears are trickling down my face. I check his pulse and it's still beating very slowly. "Mom hurry up!" I scream. "I am!" She responds.

"They're on their way!" She yells back. She runs back into her room and locks the door after her. What a pussy mom, your son is passed out and you run away from the situation.

"It's going to be okay, I promise," I whisper to him as I cry which could fill an entire lake. After a couple of minutes, they arrive. I run to the door and open it. "Follow me!" I tell them.

I show them where Jun is. They carry his body a place him on the bed that rolls to the truck. My mom gets in the back of the truck before I can. What the actual fuck. So now you want to care.

There wasn't room for me to sit and there wasn't time for me to argue so they closed the doors and drove off to the hospital. I'm breaking down right now. I go on the nearest bus and go to the hospital.

I get there and they just got there too. Great timing I think to myself. I try to walk after them but only my mom can so I have to wait in the waiting room.

"Why can't I go!" I'm practically yelling at them. "Sorry, but only adults can go in during this kind of time and only one by one." She says as she pushes me away.

"Bullshit, what the fuck!" I curse at them. They all start to change directions and leaving me all alone. I turn walking to the waiting room practically having a mental breakdown. I look around and I unexpectedly see Si-eun.

I wipe my tears away, fix my hair a little and walk up to him.


She begins to change the conversation and we talk until I have to leave. "Um, I gotta get going back home," I tell her as I stand up. "Oh yeah okay, see you tomorrow," she says goodbye. "Yeah bye Hye-Jin, see you tomorrow," I reply as I start walking away.

I take the bus home which felt like forever. But I finally made it. I open the door to my apartment to see my dad. I try to get away from him before he tries to talk to me but he catches me

"welcome home son!" He welcomes. "Si-Eun, what happened to your hand." He stops me. "I hurt myself in gym class today." I lie.

I try to walk to my bedroom but he grabs my face. "Let me see, did you pass out again?" He questions. "It's not that, that doesn't happen anymore," I tell him.

Finally, I get into my bedroom and I set my backpack on my desk. My doors open so my dad just watches me with curiosity. "Look at you, did you fight with other kids today?" He asks.

I don't respond. "It's alright, all boys grow up fighting each other, I've been there too." He tries to comfort me. "I said it's not like that," I say to him without making eye contact.

"How did it go son, you get a punch or two?" He continues to question. You can say that. I slightly slam my book on the desk making him shut up. I take a deep breath out of tiredness.

"All right, alright, rest up. What's with you these days." He finally walks away.


I began to write. I get distracted though by the events that have happened this week and mostly today. They flash through my mind making me drop my mechanical pencil.

I've had enough today. I close my workbook, wash my face and brush my teeth. I then close the lights in my room, and finally lay peacefully in my bed, somewhat at least.

Hey you guys, this chapter kind of zoomed in Hye-Jin's life a little bit and she does have 1 little brother and a dog ofc. Just a little something. We barely got anywhere in this chapter though but don't worry more will be coming soon just trust the process like I always say. Stay tuned babes!!

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