if I killed someone for you

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I sat with Five in our favorite corner of the coffee shop, sipping our drinks and chatting about everything and anything. We had been friends for years, and our conversations were always filled with laughter and warmth. Today, I had something special to share.

"You know, Five," I began, a glimmer of excitement in my eyes, "I had the most incredible dream last night. I dreamt about my perfect guy."

Five raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? Pray tell, what was this dream guy like?"

I leaned in, playfully toying with my straw. "Well, he was witty and charming, with a mischievous smile. He had this air of confidence about him, and he could make me laugh like no one else. Oh, and he had these piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through me."

Five pretended to ponder for a moment and then flashed a sly grin. "Hmm, sounds like quite the catch. Say, why don't you describe him in more detail? Maybe I can help you find someone who fits the bill."

I laughed, not expecting Five to take the idea seriously. "Alright, let's see. He had this irresistible quirkiness, always keeping me on my toes. He loved adventures, whether it was exploring a hidden bookstore or embarking on impromptu road trips. And he had a passion for music, playing the guitar like a maestro."

As I described my dream guy, Five's expression shifted subtly. Their eyes sparkled with mischief as they began mimicking the characteristics I had shared. They leaned back in their chair, wearing a cheeky grin that mirrored the one I had described.

My eyes widened as I observed Five's transformation. It was as if my dream guy had come to life before my very eyes. The mischievous glint in Five's eyes, the way they leaned in closer, and the playful tone in their voice-it was uncanny.

"You know," Five said, their voice filled with the charm and confidence I had described, "I've always had a hidden talent for guitar playing. Would you like me to serenade you with a song?"

My heart skipped a beat, unsure whether to be amazed or bewildered. I chuckled, playing along with the surreal moment. "Sure, why not? Let's hear what you've got, dream guy."

Five reached for an imaginary guitar, their fingers strumming the strings in the air. They began humming a sweet melody, the notes floating in the air as if carried by an invisible breeze. I listened, captivated by the whimsical scene unfolding in front of me.

As the "song" came to an end, Five's performance concluded, and they leaned back in their chair, still wearing that charming smile. I couldn't help but feel a surge of awe at my friend's ability to embody the dream guy I had described.

"You know, Y/N," Five said, their voice returning to its usual playful tone, "sometimes dreams have a way of bringing unexpected surprises into our lives. Maybe your dream guy isn't as far away as you think."

I smiled, grateful for Five's lightheartedness and the way they always knew how to make me feel special. "You might be onto something, Five. Perhaps I just need to keep my eyes open and embrace the unexpected."

And as we continued our conversation, I couldn't shake off the feeling that my dream had brought me closer to something extraordinary. Little did I know, the line between dreams and reality was about to blur in the most enchanting way.

Days had passed since I shared my dream encounter with Five. The memory of that whimsical afternoon lingered in my mind, bringing a newfound sense of curiosity and anticipation to our interactions. As we sat together in the park, the sun casting a warm glow around us, my heart fluttered with nerves and excitement.

"Five," I began, my voice soft and hesitant, "I've been thinking a lot about that dream, and... well, there's something I need to tell you."

Five turned to face me, their eyes filled with curiosity and warmth. "What is it, Y/N? You know you can always confide in me."

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "You see, the dream made me realize something... something that I hadn't fully acknowledged until now. Five, I... I love you."

The words hung in the air, a mix of vulnerability and hope swirling between us. I searched Five's face, hoping to catch a glimpse of what lay beneath their calm exterior.

Five's expression softened, their eyes widening ever so slightly. They reached out, gently clasping my hand in theirs. "Y/N, I... I had no idea you felt this way. I'm truly honored that you would share such a deep and beautiful emotion with me."

My heart raced, my pulse quickening at Five's response. "I know it might be unexpected, and I don't want to jeopardize our friendship. But I couldn't keep these feelings hidden any longer. You mean so much to me, Five."

A tender smile graced Five's lips as they squeezed my hand gently. "Y/N, you've always been there for me, through thick and thin. Your friendship has been a constant source of joy and support in my life. And I want you to know that I care for you deeply too."

My eyes shimmered with a mixture of relief and hope. "Does that mean...?"

Five nodded, their gaze filled with affection. "Yes, Y/N. I love you too. Your presence in my life has brought so much happiness, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side."

As the weight of our unspoken feelings lifted, Five and I found solace in the shared understanding of our love. Our connection deepened, blossoming into something beautiful and extraordinary.

In that serene moment, beneath the dappling sunlight and amidst the rustling leaves, we embraced the truth of our hearts. We had embarked on a journey of love, one that promised adventure, laughter, and the joys of discovering the world together.

Hand in hand, we walked along the winding path, our steps in sync with the rhythm of our hearts. And as we reveled in the newfound beauty of our relationship, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for our dream encounter, which had led us to this very moment-a moment where dreams became reality, and love blossomed in the most unexpected of places.

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