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game plan:

Jisung's plan was both clever and absolutely terrifying.

And I'm pretty sure I was positively shitting bricks when I realised that I had to describe the plan to you, because Jisung decided that you were involved.

And then both of us were shitting bricks when the day to carry out the plan came around.

In the week leading up to it, I had to find a way to finally reach Sangkwan, which I did by just showing up at his house... Can't ignore me then, can he?

And you had to force yourself to talk to Eunmi, which apparently hadn't happened in a long time, since we became friends.

Because, annoyingly, Jisung's plan was this:

• Me and Sangkwan would plan a double date with You and Eunmi.

• We'd go to the café that Sangkwan and I had our first date at.

• Jisung and Felix would secretly tag along to spy on us, taking notes on the interactions between Sangkwan and Eunmi, using it as evidence for something Jisung described as 'later'.

'Later' was supposed to be Prom Night. Although, I didn't know why Prom Night was important─it was a month and a bit away─but Jisung did that sort of evil grin that made me think: 'Oh, he knows what he's doing...'

So, we had the game plan.

Now, it was time to let the game begin.

# •°

guess who's late again lol

we're in the middle of speed-redecorating my room before we go away for a week so... it's been hectic


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