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petty jealousy:

Why was her voice always so tinny?

It would ring in my ears and leave a buzzing noise everytime she even said as little as a 'hello' to me. Which wasn't very often.

I hated her. But I didn't really have a valid reason why until the 27th of September, 2008.

Of course, it's stupid of me to believe that you have any idea who I'm talking about when I haven't even given you a name.

Cha Sunhee.

Recognise it?

Hm. Maybe you'll remember her a bit more by her nickname. Sunny.

That's right.

I hated her.

But, of course, you two were friends, weren't you? At least for a bit. And that's only because she was so clingy that you didn't know how to turn her down.

I remember you telling me that.

In our usual willow tree spot, you told me about how Sunny had started talking to you during Maths. It started off about the equations, and then she began to haphazardly yap on about her weekend.

You told me she was an avid swimmer. Did swimming on a Saturday.

Swimming was something that you always liked doing, so, naturally, you were excited about making a new swim buddy. You smiled a lot while talking about it.

But then she asked you if she could sit with us at lunch the next day.

It put you on pause. You told me that you didn't know how to say no.

So you said yes, and I felt...

Upset. To say the least.

I never wanted to let someone into our little bubble. If we let Sunhee in, she would know our lunch spot, our history, our jokes, and our little exchanges that made our friendship unique.

I couldn't have that.

I didn't want to share you.

But, just like you, I couldn't say no.

So, on the 28th of September, 2008, I found myself sitting on the outskirts of the trio, listening to Sunhee and you talk about swimming together, as I watched her steal grapes from your lunch box that I packed, and a tinge of jealousy pricked at the back of my mind.

I didn't like sharing you.

But sacrifices have to be made when you want the ones you love to be happy.

# •°


that's right!

i have made my (not so) long awaited comeback, because i've realised how much i actually love this book, it just needed a bit of work.

and, because we're starting off strong for the author's return, i have kicked us off with our first dose of proper drama.

we're gonna get territorial seungmin >:)

─jen <3

(p.s. to those of you loyal people still reading this mess: i love you with my entire heart, and you are worth so so much, i hope you know that. also: thank you. i mean it /gen)

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