dear chan: 2011

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Another year

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Another year.

This one was a little less fun than last year.

My parents don't live in the same house anymore. My dad moved out in February, and I live with my mom. I know they haven't mentioned it to me yet, and I don't think they've even acknowledged it themselves, but I'm pretty sure the divorce papers will be arriving soon.

And, honestly... I'm hoping they'll come sooner.

Other than that, my friends are still great though. They're all I really have at the moment. And you, of course. Even though I still really miss you.

I sprained my wrist playing baseball last month, so now I'm struggling to do pretty much anything with my right hand. I don't even know how I'm still writing this letter. But, please do write back. I want to know how you are.

And throw a dumb joke in there, if you can. I need a bit of joy in my life.

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