21 - Bespin Operation Balance

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After defying all odds, the rebels had managed to escape the siege mounted on Bespin. The outcome of the entire operation was the delivery of Captain Solo to the bounty hunter Boba Fett as payment for his services to the Empire, and the serious injury suffered by Skywalker during his encounter with Vader. The young man survived the fall into the ventilation shaft of the reactor core and was rescued by his comrades. His severed hand would likely be replaced with a replica.

For anyone who had participated in the operation, all of the Empire's efforts would have been in vain. However, for those who witnessed the intervention of intelligence agents, the Empire had succeeded, from a certain point of view.

Akdron wasn't entirely sure what purpose Skywalker's genetic material, collected at the Emperor's command, would serve, but logically, it would have a beneficial fate for the Empire.

He stretched out on his relatively small bed in his quarters, trying to relax after the tension he experienced on Bespin. His life was never at risk, but the dedication to ensuring everything went smoothly had consumed much of his energy.

Unlike him, poor Yhon was still recovering from the effects of Boba Fett's Firespray defense system. Fortunately, his life was no longer in danger, but he still remained under medical supervision.

An unexpected call interrupted that relaxing moment, causing him surprise. Few had access to his intercom, and those who did knew he was on leave.

He got up, feeling his muscles tighten. He sat at the table in front of the screen:

"Yes," he replied, activating the monitor, which went from dark to showing a beautiful woman's face. Green eyes, fair skin, blonde hair. It was the intelligence agent he had met on Bespin.

"Captain Navarre, I'm Athena Vhal. We met a few days ago on Bespin. We need to talk..."

"Wait a moment. Let's slow down with this. It's two in the morning. How did you know I was on Coruscant?" questioned the young captain.

"That doesn't matter now. My colleague was murdered, and I believe I'll be next. You were the first person I thought of because you were there too. Maybe your life is also in danger.

At that very moment, Akdron's lethargy disappeared completely. He was once again on high alert.

"What do I need to do exactly?" he asked, agitated.

"Meet me. I'll be at a restaurant a few blocks from the military complex. It's quite eye-catching, and you'll find it easily," the woman replied.

She ended the call without revealing anything more. Whether true or not, Athena seemed distressed. Either way, he would soon be there, at that restaurant.

It had been a while since Akdron wore civilian clothes. Most of the time, he used his free time to rest in his quarters at the military complex. Considering the nature of the situation, it wouldn't be exactly a date, but he couldn't deny to himself that Athena was an intriguing woman. Perhaps, in another context, he would consider courting her.

He arrived at the restaurant of exotic dishes just in time to avoid the starting rain. The façade resembled more of a nightclub. It was truly eye-catching, with colorful signs. The young man entered the restaurant's hall, pausing for a moment in front of a large mirror that covered the entire wall. He checked his appearance, just to make sure he looked presentable. It had been a while since he saw himself outside of his uniform. This contributed to him not noticing the changes he underwent over the years. He had grown from a boy to a man without realizing it. It was only in moments like that, outside of his routine, that he noticed how much more mature, robust, and attractive he seemed compared to when he enlisted in the imperial forces.

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