17 - Redhibitory Defect

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Behind the large glass window, Vader closely observed the group of clones entering the training pavilion. Immediately after the last one passed through the doors, a rapid sequence of shots was unleashed from various electronic sentinels strategically installed throughout the pavilion. The clones, previously trained by Vader in the control of the "Force," leaped to evade the shots, performing spins and somersaults in the air that would make any gymnast envious.

Next, it was the turn of the training droids. Emerging from a large container, these war machines delivered accurate shots, which the clones struggled to evade despite utilizing the "Force" to their utmost effort.

Finally, it was Vader's turn. The Sith Lord entered the arena and initiated a barrage of objects against the clones. Using his mental power, Vader hurled everything in his surroundings at his apprentices: equipment, weapons, droids, small containers. The young men struggled to survive, utilizing their newly awakened powers to dodge Vader's attacks.

Then, Vader decided on the ultimate test. Either those clones would meet his demands or perish right there. The Sith pointed both hands towards the container from which the training droids had previously emerged. The massive object began to tremble until it was lifted several meters off the ground and hurled towards the clones. As a team, they all raised their hands and aimed them at the container, halting its trajectory just a few meters from their heads. The young clones maintained their effort to restrain the massive object hovering in the air, preventing it from crushing them. At that moment, the apprentices were exerting their utmost concentration, having no choice but to succeed in their endeavor.

Vader was about to release them from their effort when he noticed one of the clones faltering. Still with his arms raised, that particular clone stood out from the others who remained motionless, exerting complete control over their powers. The trembling that began in his arms quickly spread throughout his body, causing him to collapse onto the pavilion floor.

Annoyed, Vader pointed his arms to the side, hurling the container against the wall and twisting it as if it were a sheet of paper.

It was towards the clones, bewildered and unsure of what to expect from their master, that Vader moved. The fallen clone remained trembling and drenched in sweat, as if suffering from a severe fever.

Without saying a word, Vader turned his back to the group and left the scene.

Doctor Fernniej Dohd hovered with his hands at his throat, one meter above the ground, shaking his legs and fervently wishing to be able to breathe again. Vader decided to listen to his final words and slightly loosened the energetic knot he had applied around his windpipe.

"We are making progress," the man whispered. "We will solve it..."

Vader released him abruptly, and the artificial gravity of StationLab did the rest, causing the terrified geneticist to crash heavily onto the floor of his office.

Furious, Vader awaited the man to catch his breath.

"If you haven't succeeded so far, what makes you think you can solve the problem? The clones fall ill and lose their powers, one by one. It's only a matter of time before I have, under my command, another battalion of ordinary men!" Vader seethed.

Dohd knelt as he still didn't have the strength to stand up.

"Lord Vader, with all due respect, even without the powers of the 'Force,' these clones are not ordinary men. The Emperor will have a legion of men with performance far above average. An elite legion capable of bringing definitive victory to the Empire," Dohd pleaded.

Dohd's words rekindled Vader's rage, and he had to restrain himself from breaking the man's neck and ending the conversation.

"But that's not what I ordered you to do!" The walls trembled with Vader's furious roar. "I want men with the powers of the 'Force'!"

"Lord Vader," the man pleaded, hands clasped together, "the affliction affecting the clones is a type of organic self-defense. It's like an autoimmune disease. It seems that the midi-chlorians, after some time, become aware that they are clones and sacrifice themselves, prompting the body's leukocytes to engulf them. The man swallowed hard before making his final plea. "Please, Lord Vader, give us a little more time. We will solve the problem. We are making progress in our research. If you allow us to continue, our next test will be to wait for the fever resulting from the death of the cloned midi-chlorians to subside, and then introduce a load of midi-chlorians directly obtained from the original donor's blood into the patient's body. There is a chance that these midi-chlorians won't perceive the change in environment and agree to collaborate with the recipient's body. In theory, we could 'deceive' the original midi-chlorians!"

Vader pondered Dohd's arguments. It could be that it would work, and he needed those Force troopers more than Palpatine could imagine. For some time, the dynamics of events had made Vader reconsider his intentions regarding the Force troopers project. His purpose concerning the project was no longer to strengthen Palpatine's Empire. Vader had realized that sooner or later, Palpatine would promote his demise and replace him with a younger apprentice. He knew that alone he was no match for confronting the Emperor, and his previous attempts to acquire an apprentice to join forces against the Emperor had failed. Vader had learned a great deal from "Order 66" about the benefits of having legions of devoted troopers under his command. Palpatine had taught him this important lesson, and he intended to use the knowledge against his own master. At the right moment, he would confront Emperor Darth Sidious, and he wouldn't be alone but accompanied by his Force troopers.

"Lord Vader," Dohd continued, bringing Vader back from his thoughts, "we will have to work directly with the donor. He will need to remain here for a longer period than before, as we will require a significant amount of his blood. We will need to make almost daily extractions until we obtain the necessary supply. He will have to be under our supervision to ensure his health is not compromised."

Vader had been convinced. Now it was all or nothing!

"Bring the original donor here. Extract allthe blood necessary for the project. If the experiment succeeds, I want himeliminated immediately!"

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