8 - The Clone Factory

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- Yes, Lord Vader, the tests were successful - informed Fernniej Dohd, the chief genetic engineer, with satisfaction. - I will take you to the cylinders so you can see our production line.

Vader smiled behind his mask as he followed the engineer through one of the sterile environment station corridors. It seemed that he would finally be able to present his long-awaited army of forcetroopers to Emperor Palpatine.

It was the first time he had returned to StationLab since ordering the production of the new clones. The old clones, aside from not being Force-sensitive, had long ceased production, mainly due to the depletion of the original genetic material provided by a donor known as Jango Fett. But beyond that, the Emperor had decided that the next troops would be special, as they would be composed from a donor who possessed the Force.

A few years ago, Palpatine had attempted to use Vader himself as the donor for the project, but the result had been disastrous. Nothing attempted had been able to make those clones submit to his orders. Vader had struggled to hunt down and exterminate that small sample of ten specimens. Fortunately, none of them had received any training on the Force. They acted on instinct in relation to their powers.

The main suspicion regarding their insubordinate behavior lay on the high midi-chlorian count in the donated material. Midi-chlorians, symbiotic organisms present in the blood of all living beings, interacted with them, revealing the will of the Force. The higher their concentration in an individual's blood, the better their interaction with it. In practice, it was as if they were telling the individual what to do in order to best follow the flow of the universe. At the same time, the microscopic interactors facilitated the individual's access to the supernatural powers necessary to carry out the will of the Force. The extent of each person's powers also varied according to their midi-chlorian count, being higher in those with a higher count. In these individuals, the presence of the Force became so evident that it was customary to consider them as its sole possessors. However, the true difference between them and others lay in the intensity with which they consciously acted guided by the Force.

For this reason, Palpatine had decided that the next donor should have a midi-chlorian count significantly lower than Vader's, which would make it easier to handle the clones.

Vader entered the enclosure and immediately came face to face with ten cylinders, each containing a clone produced from the genetic material collected from stormtrooper TK-047 shortly after his admission to the Imperial Academy. This was the Imperial procedure - to keep samples of genetic material from all those who accepted the mission to serve him. The Imperial cryogenic banks held countless samples. The donors had no idea of the infinite ways in which they served the Empire.

Connected to the cylinders was an array of equipment. Some brought from Kamino, the old clone factories of the Old Republic. Others were the result of improvements made over years of study and experimentation. Cloning methods had evolved significantly since the end of the Clone Wars, but Palpatine had lost interest in production. He no longer desired common clones since deciding to create forcetroopers.

The ten clones appeared to be chronologically twenty years old. They were all in suspended animation, awaiting the moment to awaken. Around the cylinders, a team of geneticists monitored the process.

Vader approached the cylinders, examining each clone carefully.

- They are almost ready - explained the engineer. - A few more weeks, and we can awaken them. Their midi-chlorian count is just over ten thousand. We believe this time we won't have any issues of insubordination.

Vader nodded, gently nodding his head forward. The specialist continued:

- Unlike the clones of the Old Republic, these clones won't require traditional learning. Everything they need to know has already been transferred to their subconscious. The information was transmitted through resonance using electromagnetic wave emitters. When they awaken, they will become conscious of the information.

- Good. I want ten squads to start - ordered Vader. - At the right moment, I will train them myself.

- Yes, sir. We have the capacity to produce this quantity with the material we have. However, for more units, we will need the original donor to provide us with more - clarified the engineer.

- Don't worry about that. He will be brought here, but for now, he must not suspect anything -Vader warned, pointing his finger at the man's nose, who swallowed hard.

- As you wish, Lord Vader... as you wish - he stammered.

Vader then turned abruptly, determined to leave.

Before he walked away, Fernniej Dohd added a detail he had saved for the end, like a parting gift:

- Sir, the donor is left-handed!

- Good! - celebrated Vader as he departed.

Vader knew that the forcetroopers were a priority for the Emperor. Therefore, it was important that everything related to the subject ran smoothly. Studies conducted long ago had found that the population of left-handed individuals represented only a small fraction of ten percent of the total human beings in the galaxy. But the most interesting aspect of these studies was the confirmation that such individuals, in addition to having greater concentration power, were faster, coordinated, and better fighters compared to right-handed individuals. This could be a good omen for the forcetroopers project. Palpatine would be pleased with the news.

To ensure the utmost efficiency of the future troops in combat, Vader would order the development of weapons to produce the next line of armaments specifically for left-handed troopers.

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