12 - Hunt for the Tantive IV

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The alarm signal echoed through the barracks, nearly scaring the sleeping stormtroopers to death. Akdron jumped out of his bunk and immediately stood at attention. His heart was pounding in his chest, but his reflexes allowed him to be instantly ready. He remembered being aboard the Star Destroyer Devastator after an exhausting day, which had ended... - then he quickly glanced at the clock and realized that he had only gone to sleep... two hours ago! A whole day of intense training for two hours of sleep?!

The red alert lights filled the barracks. The exhausted men struggled to stay on their feet in front of their bunks, awaiting the arrival of the officer.

It didn't take long before the officer entered the room, accompanied by the sergeant of the platoon. Steffugh, one of the rookies, remained lying down. He slept indifferent to all the chaos, as if he were in his own room back at his mother's house.

The sergeant quickly took the lead and headed towards the rookie's bunk. Steffugh was deeply asleep, with his head thrown back and mouth wide open, exposing the roof of his mouth. It seemed like he had been sedated with some heavy spice. But the scene contained nothing that Akdron hadn't seen repeated many times since he joined the imperial academy. It was quite common for rookies to be in that state after a long day of training. Especially after only two insufficient hours of sleep.

"Steffugh, you damn fool! Wake up to die!" shouted the sergeant as he forcefully kicked the side of the bunk.

The soldier struggled to lift his head but soon let it fall back onto the pillow.

"This way, you won't last five minutes in combat!" warned the superior.

Combat? Would they be in combat in those conditions? It would be more appropriate for a escort mission, something that wouldn't require much from the men.

The sergeant turned to a bunkmate of the rookie and ordered, "Drag him out of that bed and make him stand!"

As the young man carried out the order, the officer, who had patiently awaited the sergeant's reprimand, decided to begin the briefing:

"We are entering the Tatooine system in pursuit of a CR90 corvette. The ship has received transmissions that are the result of military espionage and represents a threat to imperial sovereignty. Be prepared to board the fleeing vessel in ten minutes."

"Wasn't it the '52' this time?" Akdron whispered under his breath to one of his colleagues. The officer continued:

"You will be working together with Group 52, which suffered some casualties recently. Your summons for this mission came directly from Lord Vader, who will personally command you. Good luck!"

Upon hearing the name Vader, some of the boys discreetly exchanged glances, their faces expressing a mixed feeling of pride and panic.

Hardly had the officer left the area when the sergeant began his tirade. His voice echoed through the walls as he hurried the soldiers.

Ten minutes later, Group 126 and the survivors of Group 52 formed two rows of men at the edge of the main bay deck, located in the belly of the Devastator. A damaged blockade runner corvette was being brought aboard by the Star Destroyer's tractor beam cannons.

Darth Vader stood before the men. His presence caused unease. His dark figure seemed to emanate an evil aura that went beyond Akdron's comprehension.

Vader watched as the corvette approached when an officer approached to report:

"Lord Vader, we have just identified the fleeing vessel. It is the Tantive IV. The ownership registration is from Alderaan and is in the name of a member of the imperial senate... to be more specific..." The officer briefly consulted his digital clipboard. "It's registered to Senator Leia Organa, sir."

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