4: Girls (and others) Time

Start from the beginning

"Did he interact with a black-dressed, red-haired, shades-wearing, mostly kinda grumpy man going by the name of Crowley?"

Nina and Maggie gave each other a look. "They're... they're very close. They even danced together. How did you know? Do you know them?"

Anathema thought back to another prophecy. She had the feeling she had to trust these women. "I met them on a very... very strange occasion."

Maggie went a bit closer to Nina. "What exactly was the occasion?"

"We stopped Armageddon. Not just us three, there were other people too."

"What other people?" They were eager to hear what Anathema was going to say next. They seemed to know the answer already, but wanted to make sure she said the same one.

"Uhm. The Antichrist and his friends and two other humans. Satan, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Beelzebub and the Archangel Gabriel were there at one point too, but they wanted Armageddon to happen."

"Well, we believe you. Y'know, we had a strange experience with them too. More with Mr. Fell, though."

The two of them told Anathema what happened that evening, while the two of them continued taking orders.

Although she was extremely interested in what the two of them had to say, she felt terribly awkward for standing there as customers came and went.

So at one point, she just decided to help them, delivering things to tables and such.

Even though it was a strange context they found themselves in, they had a few laughs along the way and after the story of the evening was finished they continued talking.

It was rather pleasant, they all got to know each other and for all three of them it was nice to have more people who not only believed but shared some of the experience they had with the apparent angel and demon.

And there was afternoon and there was evening and before they knew it, the shop's opening time was over.

Anathema had told them about her ancestor Agnes Nutter and about the prophesies. She told them the real reason why she was here and together they pieced together why Crowley was behaving the way he was.

The only question they did not know an answer for, was where the hell Aziraphale was.

They closed the shop and went over to the bookshop, 'the angel's shop', and carefully entered.

They were confused when they found Muriel inside, who was more then happy to see them.

''Ello, 'ello, 'ello! What can I, and totally normal, human, police officer with the name of Inspector Constable do for you?"

The three woman looked at each other. That was not a human.

"Well, hello officer Constable, may I ask your first name and rank?", Anathema asked carefully.

"The name's Muriel. I'm a 37th degree recording ang- police scrivener.", they smiled, being happy to use their human identity with actual humans.

The three women also smiled. An angel. And such an innocent seeming one, too.

"We were just wondering about the whereabouts of the owner, Mr. Fell?", Nina asked politely.

"Oh, also, we're terribly religious, so it would be very kind if you could speak in biblical terms?", Maggie added.

That earned impressed and approving nods from Nina and Anathema, and a very relieved sigh from Muriel.

"Oh, that'd be very nice. Okay so," Muriel began to explain everything that's happened, and they started very early, so all of them sat down, and Anathema made them some tea.

With the new information gathered, the three of them finally had a whole picture of the evening and everything that's happened after, except, of course, the exact conversation Crowley and Aziraphale had.

They thought Muriel seemed nice, so they also shared the reason why Crowley and Aziraphale parted ways, which seemed to worry and or confuse Muriel a bit, because they thought the two of them would stay together longer.

Deciding that Muriel was a trustworthy individual although they may overshare when asked, they told them the whole story from their side.

Muriel was a very keen listener, trying to understand and comprehend everything as quickly as possible.

They were a bit more relaxed now, knowing that they don't have to worry about accidentally revealing their identity now.

Despite the fact of now fully understanding what happened, something felt off.

What would they do with all this information? Could they even do anything with all this information? Because for them, nothing changed. Muriel was now on Earth, but besides that, the only big thing that's happened was between Crowley and Aziraphale.

And they had absolutely no idea what to do now.

But them, being the good souls they are, decided to go on a mission. The mission that Agnes wanted them to go on.

Matchmaking an Archangel and an ex-demon and even ex-er-Archangel back together.

'Having found new companions, you will discover the angel's shop, and therein, new information shall soon be uncovered. When the time comes, all of you shall possess the knowledge whiter to go. However, dear girl, do not lose sight of the hour for too long, for the demons' suspicion shall grow fast.'

- - -
I'm back. You can see that.

SO. Where have I been?

No lies, sorry for not uploading. Since I've published the last chapter I haven't been on Wattpad, but HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE READS AND VOTES MWAH MWAH.

Truth is, I got into the Magnus Archives and those smuggling-uncover shows and shark documentaries, spent way too much time on Character AI, think I sprained my ankle or something on my foot?, celebrated my brother's 18th, and procrastinated.
Apologies again.

On another note, I've seen SO many theories on TikTok recently and I'm not so sure if it was the smartest idea to start this fic so recently after the release of the second season.

But bullshit aside, imma write more.

Still wanna vote even after the delays and stuff?

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