Holy shit, that was a long ass day.

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When William woke up in the morning, he was practically vibrating with joy and excitement. He also almost left the house way too early and almost forgot to eat breakfast.

When Luna went to wake up Toby and Dominic, he found them cuddling. It was adorable; Luna had to take a picture before he woke them up.

He walked over to the sleeping Littles, and carefully shocked them awake. Dominic was the first to wake up. Sleepy, he sat up and softly rubbed his eyes before turning to his brother.

Luna awed at the actions. Though Dominic has been with them for a while, moments where he had his guard fully down was rare but still cute and adorable.

"S-S-Sunny? Yuh-you n-need to wuh-wuh-wake up!" The sleepy boy stuttered out as he slightly shook his still sleeping brother.

"But Moony, I want to sleep!" Toby whined back, hiding his face deeper into the pillow in the crib. Dominic huffed and pulled the pillow out from his brother's head, causing it to fall on the mattress. "Moony!" Toby whined again before sitting up and rubbing his eyes like his older brother had done moments before.

"Nuh-no! Weh-we got geh-get up n-now!" Dominic argued back as the sight in his eyes returned. Luna chuckled lightly, making Dominic turn his head to look at him.

"Good morning Love bug and Honey Bee." Luna spoke softly, it was early-ish for the Littles and he didn't want to startle them awake.

"Muh-mornin' Mumma."

"Mornin' Cielo." The two boys replied. Luna smiled and picked them up out of the crib. Toby was first so he could be set on the ground, then Dominic so he could be held.

"Alright, let's go get dressed!" Luna said happily. The two Little's smiled and nodded. Luna placed Dominic on his changing table and Toby stood beside it. "Okay, what do we want to wear?" Luna asked.

The boys stated what they wanted to wear and Luna grabbed it. Toby went into the bathroom to get changed and Luna helped Dominic get changed.

Dominic chose a black dress with black see through sleeves that went below his shoulders, a pair of black shorts, and a pair of black thigh highs that had little cat ears at the top. Toby chose a pink and white frilly dress with a pair of gray shorts and a pair of white tights.

The two boys had Luna turn around so they could show off their outfits though Luna had already seen them both.

"Are you ready?" Luna asked as he stared at the wall. There was a bit of grunting before a small 'ready' was heard. Luna turned around and tears started to prick his eyes.

Right there in front of him was one, two adorable Little boys, and two, Dominic using his crutches and Toby helping him up.

"Wuh-what do yuh-you think Muh-mumma?" Dominic stuttered out, clearly in a bit of pain. Choking up on his words, Luna replied.

"It's beautiful." Dominic tilted his head as did his brother.

"Why you crying? Did we make sad?" Toby asked as he fixed the way he was holding his brother. Luna wiped away the stray tears that had fallen.

"These are happy tears Honey. Now come here." Luna said with a smile. Slowly but surely, the two boys made their way to Luna taking many small stops so Dominic could catch his breath.

"You proud Mumma?" Dominic asked with a smile as he looked up at Luna. Luna looked down and smiled before picking the boy up and placing him on his hip.

"I am so proud, my Little Starshine." Luna said with a smile. He was really proud. "Let's go eat breakfast." He said happily. The two mentally younger boys nodded. Toby quickly walked over to Luna's free hand and grabbed it before he looked up at Luna as if to ask for an 'okay'. Luna smiled at the younger as a way to say 'yes'. With that they were off.

I may be broken but don't leave me yet!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ