4. Training (With a Platypus)

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You were heading into O.W.C.A through one of their infamous tubes. They were a little cramped for you and honestly it didn't make sense. Not to be rude, but if they could make a panda, or elephant, or giraffe sized tube, they should be able to make you one. Though to be fair, most of the tunnels you used were Milo or Perry sized.

You went straight to your cubicle. While you had only been here once, that whole 'Agent P wild goose chase' thing helped ingrain the layout of this place in your head.

Sitting on your desk and doodling while waiting for Milo, a certain platypus came to mind. "Alright," you said sketching him out on paper. He had a sort of rectangular build, with webbed feet, oh! And his bill, and you couldn't forget his cute little tail, or his huge adorable eyes. Wait, should you make his eyes facing one direction? You decided to do that since you HAD to draw his little fedora. Finishing up the drawing, you used some tape to stick it on the wall of your cubicle.


(Ok I know it's not that great, but I drew this on my phone at 2 am on nothing but adrenaline and coffee

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(Ok I know it's not that great, but I drew this on my phone at 2 am on nothing but adrenaline and coffee.)

"Grgrgrgrgrgh," your eyes widened and you turned around. In front of you stood said platypus.

"P-Perry, I um. This is not important-I was just appreciating your cu- um your platypus-ness?" You screwed up. (As someone who hasn't read smut in years, I almost didn't realize you nearly said the 'c' word)

'I'm flattered, but you know I'm taller than that' he signed with a smirk on his face.

You rolled your eyes, trying to play it cool whilst your face was red from embarrassment.

"What are you doing here anyways? I thought Milo was training me today,"

'He had to reschedule. For now, I'll be training you' oh great. You could tell that you were going to trip over your own feet today.

"Oh, alright. So how are we going to, you know, train?" He chuckled. Gesturing for you to follow him, you two left the 'room'.

You went to a secluded room full of yoga mats and odd looking workout equipment. It matched the theme of the rest of the O.W.C.A. That being clean white walls and colorful accents for technology and such.

Afterwards you basically went through a montage-worthy training routine. By the end of it you felt a lot more confident in yourself and as a perk you could actually do a high kick now. It was a bit difficult to train though, as to the fact that Perry was a platypus. Whom so could do things you couldn't and vice-versa.

'That was amazing!' He signed. He'd always 'say' something encouraging after each part. Sometimes he'd just smile or give you a thumbs up, but you appreciated it just as much.

"Thanks! You're not so bad yourself. You know 'best agent at O.W.C.A' and all," you said, trying to impersonate Major Monogram by wiggling your index finger over your eyes like a monobrow.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, 'Alright, now for your final test. You'll have to fight me,' you could imagine him putting extra emphasis on the last part. To be honest you always imagined him speaking with a British-Australian accent. Mostly because Mr. Flynn-Fletcher and Ferb had British accents, and platypuses were native to Australia. He didn't need to know about this though.

You took a deep breath "I'm ready. Any rules?"

'Refrain from squashing me to death and I think we'll be alright' you mock gasped.

"Are you calling me fat! I can't believe it! That is so un-gentlemanly," he rolled his eyes.

"I meant, we wouldn't want a dead agent on us' he said with his ever present serious face on.

And so, the battle ensued. You started with a punch straight at his bill, which he quickly dodged. In a moment of confusion, he did a sort of high kick by jumping into the air. You barely steered clear of that one, avoiding a kick to the face. Punching him, this time with your other hand (yes, I made you ambidextrous like me) he swerved around your fist just in time to dodge it. "Ah," you gasped as he landed a punch on your stomach, successfully making you tumble to the ground. Well, it was less of a punch and more of a hit with his tail. Wait, was that fair? Well, he didn't give you any rules.

'Well, I think this round goes to me' he signed, smirking down at you.

"I don't-" you started. Moving your left leg under his feet, he tipped over like a knife through butter.

"-think so," you ended the sentence and the 'battle'. Now, smirking down at him you lent him your hand. He rolled his eyes, taking your hand. You easily lifted him up.

'While I don't think that was fair, I have to hand it to you. You did great agent'

"Hey it's not like you went easy on me!"

'What do you mean?' He tried mocking you.

"I didn't land a single punch on you!" He didn't respond to that. "So, is this it?"

'Same time tomorrow?'

"Isn't Milo going to start training me?"

'Well, let's just say this is a permanent arrangement' your face went red. Shit, did you have a fucking crush on a platypus?

"Oh, alright! Yeah, tomorrow works," he smiled up at you, giving a wave and then leaving.

You were in the room alone for a bit. Hoping it would be alright and for the very unlikely chance that you wouldn't do anything embarrassing. In the end, you too left to go home.

949 words

"It's 2 A.M and I'm super tired. I did half of this on my phone for the first time, so please tell me if anything is weird (and/or spelled wrong). Also, 200 READS OMG, you guys are insane and I love it. Also a little tidbit about me: I was left hand dominant and found out I was ambidextrous a few years ago, so reader is too now."


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