2.5 O.W.C.A

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Following Milo, he led you to a spot in your room. It was the least barren as it was behind your closet. All of a sudden though, a panel opened up and the cat jumped in! "What the heck?" you mumbled. You (somehow) followed him in and a tube led you underground. "Woah,"

The room was a sleek white with f/c accents. There was a ton of different f/c and white spy gear, a huge screen in front of a f/c seat, and a freaking hovercraft! "Morning agent C,"

"Ah!" you yelped, caught off guard.

"Carl," the man with a thin white mono-brow started.

"Yes Major?" a younger person seemed to answer.

"What is a teenage girl doing in here?"

"A TEENAGE GIRL!" The boy in question appeared on screen. "Oh, Major, that is the new recruit. She's legally a cat," he said matter-of-factly.

"Oh yes, Agent f/l (first letter of your name),"


"Agent C, how much have you told her?" Carl asked. The cat in turn shrugged making a so and so sign with his hands.

"Alright well y/n, you've been admitted into O.W.C.A. The Organization Without a Cool Acronym. We've heard many great things about you from the agent on your left, and have decided to train you to become a spy. Fighting the worlds evils with the help of your fellow agents," the supposed 'Major Monogram' announced. 

"I-I'm a sp-spy?"


"And a-a cat?"


This took a minute to settle in your head. There was a secret organization recruiting animals as spies? And- and YOU were legally a cat because of your good for nothing parents? And your cat had gotten you in? Wait, is that where Milo disappeared off to everyday? Did Eli work as an agent too? Your thoughts were cut off by a meager voice.

"Do you know sign language? That's the easiest way to communicate with the agents,"

"I-I actually do," what could you say? Being cooped up in a room for years, you learn how to sneak books in.

"Great! As soon as possible, you'll be trained by our best agents. Until then, Agent C will show you around," you looked down at the cat in question (you'll have to imagine sign language differently because everyone around here only has four fingers) 

'Nice to see you y/n' Milo signed.

"I-I can't believe I'm t-talking to my cat!" he did a playful eye roll

'I can't believe I'm talking to my human' he looked at you for a brief moment, 'Well, why don't I show you to the rest of the agency'

"Oh, alright," you had to show your gratitude "I-I just want to say, thank you. For helping me into the agency and for living this double life,"

'You don't know the half of it' he signed. You could tell he was happy though.

~~~ Timeskip ~~~

Looking around, it seemed like a regular office space. Well, except the fact that the cubicles harbored the likes of giraffes, elephants, pandas, and dogs. Each animal dawned a fedora with a black ribbon around it. "What are they working on?"

'Researching their villains, keeping up with the agencies workload, or making sure their owners aren't suspicious'

"Ok Milo,"

'Here we are' the cat signed. It was like any other cubicle, with a desk in the corner. 'Since we don't have an assigned villain for you yet, you'll be helping sort data for other agents'

"How do I do that?"

'Here's your first assignment' he handed you a file, 'Just look through the computer for current information on this villain. After you're done, deliver the file to the assigned agent'


'I'll be in my cubicle, if you need me just ask around, alright?'

"Yes, and thank you" I gave you a little nod of approval before making his way out. "This couldn't be too hard," you mumbled opening up the file.

618 words

"Ooh, cliff hanger (kind of, not really). Sorry I couldn't update last night, had some stuff to do. As always, new chapter coming tomorrow and I'd really appreciate if you could vote and comment if you like this!"


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