Chapter 5: The moment before the Pool

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(Forgot about this, my bad)

Part 1

"Good morning, Yamauchi!"

"Good morning, Ike!"

Arriving to class, Ike wore a stupid grin as he called out to Yamauchi. They usually don't get here to early. It'd been one week since the entrance ceremony, and Ike and Yamauchi would always make it to class right before the bell.

"Whew, man! I was looking forward today so much that I barely slept last night!"

"Ah ha ha! This school is just the best! I can't believe that it's almost time for swimming! And when I say swimming, I mean girls. And when I say girls, I mean girls in school swimsuits!"

So that's why they're so giddy today. Why are they so attracted towards something like this? Sure, they'll be showing a bit of skin but other than that there's nothing special about it.

Besides, don't they have computers to look at swimming videos?

"Hey, professor! Come here for a sec!"

"Uh, you called?"

A chubby boy approached them slowly. His name is Sotomura and his friends nicknamed him "The Professor" for some reason that I don't understand.

"Professor, can you record the girls wearing their swimsuits for us?" Ike asked.

"Leave it to me. I'll pretend to be sick so that I can skip class and observe."

So they're willing to ruin they reputation just to look at girls? Oh, wait. They don't have a reputation in the first place.

I stand up from my desk talk to them until my neighbor stopped me.

"You're going to join them? Pathetic, I thought you had some dignity but looks like I was wrong."

"I'm afraid you've gotten it mistaken, I'm not planning to join them. I'm going to stop them."

Boys these days should spend more time working on themselves than indulging themselves into this type of content.

Maybe then they can become a proper man.

As I near the idiots, their attention turns towards me. Their expression turns from eagerness to worrisome.

"Uh, hey Yagami-kun. What are you doing here?" Ike questions me.

"I was just wondering what you boys were talking about?"

"Oh, uhh... We..."

"We're going to have the professor rank the girls breast size for us! He'll also get some pictures for us. You want to join?"

The girls look towards us with disgust.

"Hey, hey" Sudo visibly withdraws to Ike and Yamauchi's plan.

"Can I speak to you two privately?"

"Sure thing!"


Yamauchi clearly didn't understand the situation they're in.

As I led them outside the classroom, I finally brought up why I was talking with the two of them.

Thinking about it now, I should have brought Sotomura. But once I deal why these two, I won't need to worry about that.

"Listen you two, spying on the girls is not a good idea. It's morally wrong. I suggest you tie don't go through with your plan. Got it?"

Ike and Yamauchi look at each other before nodding their heads.

"Who are you to tell us what to do!?"

"Yea! You're just seem Ikeman trying to get on the girls good side!"

What? How does that make sense?

"I'm sorry you two have that impression about me, but I ask you two again to please not go through with your plan."

"Shut up!"


Looks like I'll have to do something a bit more extreme.

"I'm pretty sure this counts as sexual harassment."


"This can get you expelled from school" I retort.

The consequences of expulsions are unclear. If I don't stop them and they get caught, then the punishment for our class can be unclear.

This also improves my reputation in class.



Both enviously shaken, they start apologizing for their actions and go back to class.

"That's it?"

I thought they were gonna out on a bigger front.

I mean it benefits me so they'll still think of me as a clam guy. But I already had a plan I won't need to use now!

The only thing uncertain is if they will still try to spy on the girls.

I guess we'll see.

I walk back to the classroom as Hirata greets me.

"Thanks for that Yagami-kun, I didn't know what to do there so I'm glad you stepped in" Hirata says with a smile.

"Don't worry Hirata. But, they could try still. Be aware alright?"

He nods in affirmation.

"Alright, got it Yagami-kun."

Before he turns to leave, he asks me one thing.

"By they way. Me, Shibata-kun, and Nagumo-Senpai are planning to go have something to eat after school. I would be hall to have you join us?"

A Senpai huh. I don't it will be too bad to engage in some small talk with them.

"Sure thing Hirata. Just tell me when we're leaving" I respond in a cheery tone.

"Great! Now, Let's go before class starts."

A/N: short chapter I know. But I think separating the two makes more sense or rather it breaks the moments between the two.

It was two separate parts in the Light Novel so that's why.

I'll work on the next part as soon as I can.

Q/A here for about the book or about Author-kun.

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