Chapter 2: The Classmates of Class D

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"Hello everyone! My name is Yagami Takuya. I hope I can get along with you all. If you need help with something, I'm willing to help. Nice to meet you all."

As I introduce myself, some of the boys start glaring at me. They thought I was a loner but here I proved them wrong. I can be popular if I want.

Some of the girls blush and look away.

Just how I wanted it to turn out.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you Yagami-kun."

"Likewise Hirata."

I shake his hand carefully. He has a good physique from what I can tell. I guess that's part of soccer.

Soon, school ended for the day and we were free to do what ever we wanted.

"Hirata-kun, Yagami-kun. Can you join us? We plan on going shopping and we want to get to know you guys better!"

The blonde girls invites us to accompany them. There is nothing wrong with this and I need to do some shopping anyways so might as well.

"Sure thing! I need to buy some groceries as well."

We start walking towards Keyaki Mall while the group of girls chatter in their group in front of me and Hirata.

"This is gonna be a long day" Hirata exclaims quietly seemingly tired.

"Why do you say that? We're just here to buy groceries right?"

Hirata shakes his head before pulling me in close.

"When girls invite you to do shopping, you stay there for hours end and the boys have to carry the bags."

"... I see why you look tired now."

"We're also going to clothing stores and they will try on clothes one after another and ask for our opinions."

This is troublesome. I can't back out now.

"Well, this should be interesting."

We walk in alone for a while before Hirata speaks up.

"Say Yagami-kun, do you do any sports?"

"Actually no, I would like to try them though!"

I give Hirata a sincere smile before looking ahead.

Our footsteps align while up ahead they were mixed.

"Strange because you seem to have a good physique."

He must know grip strength pretty well to notice.

"Ah, maybe it's because I do martial arts and like to keep my body fit."

"Really? What do you practice."

I know many martial arts. Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, and much more. I can't tell him this because it may seem suspicious since it's unbelievable to think that a high school student knows so many.

I decide to half lie, half honest.

"I know Jeet Kune Do and Karate."

"I know of Jeet Kune Do. It was made by Bruce Lee correct?"

"Yep! I would say it's my favorite one."

That's a lie. I don't have a favorite and I combine martial arts for my own fighting style.

"Hirata-Kun, Yagami-kun! Come on! You're lacking behind!"

We'd slowed down while talking unintentionally and we were being nagged at for it.

"Sorry sorry! We're right behind!"

We run up to them before we reach the mall.

The mall is quite large and many shops are run by regular civilians.

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