Clara hung up the phone, looking to Masha, "My mom told your mom that you're staying with me and we're at a friend's house. My mom told me that your mom wants me to tell you to brush your teeth, clean your fur, and sleep by 10."

"But I'm a cat!" Masha mewed. "I'm crepuscular! I'm up throughout the day!"

"Too bad, your mom wants you asleep by 10." Clara pointed. "And you are to be listening to me-"

"But you listen to me." Luz stepped forward. "Cause I'm in charge. Masha, instead of sleeping at 10.."

Masha lit up, Clara growling lowly, "Dang it.."

"You will be sleeping at 9:30."

Masha's jaw dropped, Clara thanking Luz softly, "W-Why!?"

"I'm in charge, I say what bedtime is." Luz said proudly. "To bed."

Vee came downstairs sighing, "King's been put to sleep again, I feel so bad for waking him up to bathe.."

"He'll thank you in the morning." Amity smiled. "Did he go down well?"

Vee nodded, "He wanted some cuddles and a story, I was very happy to provide it."

Luz glared, crossing her arms, "And I wasn't informed, why?"

Vee rose a brow, "What do you mean why? I'm the favorite sister, he'd want to cuddle with me."

Luz scoffed, "Nu-uh."


They growled at eachother, Hooty opening up and chirping, "Hey! No breaking Hooty rules!"

Collectively, they all muttered, "Sorry Hooty.."

Hooty humphed, closing up and locking into place. "So what are you, again?" Clara pointed to Amity.

"Horned cat, a special breed." Amity said proudly. "Bred from royals and to perfection."

Clara perked, "Are you a purebred too?-"

"Yes, I am! One of the few families who have not mixed yet too." Amity mewed.

"Can-" Clara reached forward. "Can I feel your horns?"

Amity leaned her head towards Clara, the golden retriever gently stroking her horns. "They're not entirely hollow since shes still growing," Luz spoke up. "Almost solid keratin!"

"That is so cool." Clara awed, tail wagging.

Vee blinked, glancing away before huffing, "I can do that."

"You can grow horns?-" Masha gaped.

Vee shrugged, "You can say that."

Luz rolled her eyes, "Vee's a basilisk."

Vee glared, "You say it like it's a bad thing."

"It is cause you're stupid, and snakes don't have arms!" Luz stuck her tounge out.

Vee growled, "If I rip yours off you'll be one too!"

Hooty opened up, hissing, "No growling!!"

"Too bad I'm gonna BITE HER!" Luz barked, jumping forward.

Hooty wrapped around her, huffing, "Air jail!"

Luz gasped, "Nononono I didn't think my options through!" Luz barked. "I hate air jail! FrEeE mEeE!"

Vee snorted, "That's what you get you bully."


"No she's right, you bully." Amity turned her head. "I don't date bullies."

Luz gasped, "You bullied me first!"

Amity blinked, "That's true.."

"Cariño if you love me you'll get me out of air jail!"

Amity scratched her ear, shrugging, "I thought you followed rules. Not following them got you in air jail, I see no reason to involve me."

Luz gazed at Amity, then huffed, "You're not getting your cuddles tonight."

Amity stiffened, glancing to Luz. "What?"

"Air jail will be taken outside if you don't apologize!" Hooty hissed.

Luz humphed, "So be it."

Hooty carefully went out through the doorway, keeping Luz in air jail. Amity shook her head, "You guys go watch a movie, Luz will start feeling bad and apologize in awhile." Amity walked out, lying down under Hooty.

Masha blinked, looking to Clara, "Does that mean Luz isn't in charge anymore?"

Clara glared, "Go brush your teeth."

. . .

Amity had dozed off below Hooty, but awoke, to howls. Luz inhaled, raising her head and howling. "Luz..?" Amity yawned.

The mutt panted, shaking her head and howling. Hooty shook awake, perking, "Oops! Air jail time is over!" Hooty lowered Luz.

"Wait." Amity rose her paw, standing. "Luz?"

Hooty stilled, looking to Luz. The pup's pupils took over all color from her eyes, collar nearly scratched off. Luz panted, squirming in Hooty's hold, tilting her head up and howling. "Luz, what's wrong?" Amity cupped her muzzle.

Luz barked, nipping at Amity, growling lowly. Her pupils dilated only slightly, the pup shaking her head. She scratched her cheek, then her neck, her collar falling off. She howled, shaking her head, "Mmrrrfff-" Luz struggled.

She whimpered, scratching her cheek, howling again. Clara came out, a gummy in paw, "Fleas.." She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she neared.

Luz sniffed Clara's paw as she stood by her, tail lightly wagging when she noticed the gummy. Luz scratched her neck, howling, Clara shoving the gummy in her mouth. Luz jumped, gagging when the gummy nearly choked her.

The pup rested her head on Hooty, panting. "Is..She going to be alright?" Amity asked.

"Yeah, fleas hit dogs differently. Don't worry, it won't spread, they'll die soon enough and Luz can shower." Clara yawned. "I'm off to bed..Night.."

She walked back inside, Amity gazing at Luz. "I..Think I should go.." Amity pointed back.

"Ah..Okay, walk home safely." Hooty chirped.

Amity nodded, stepping away, "A..mity.." Luz breathed out. "Mmityy.. I w..nt Am..mmityy.."

"No, no you don't..It's okay, I'll be on my way now--"

"I'm sorry..Awesome girlfriend..I've been v...ry mean.." Luz lightly scratched her neck. "Have no excuse.. Just bad girlfriend.."

"It's..It's okay. Vee is pretty annoying, so I get it.."

Luz shook her head, "No excuse..I'm sorry.."

Amity softened, "Thank you for apologizing..Let's get you inside, hm?"

To be continued.

Barking up the wrong tree. Lumity Fanfiction AU.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora