*Special* Kakashi POV 4

Start from the beginning

Kakashi dropped to the ground behind Akira, completely stunned. He couldn't even speak. He felt like he was looking at himself after Rin died. The ruthlessness of her kills were astonishing. And not in a good way.

Akira moved forward toward the door, stepping over one of the bodies. Blood dripped from her kunai and her forearm protectors onto the ground.

"Akira," Kakashi breathed, still overcome with shock.

She stopped and turned her head slightly so he could see the side of her mask. Blood was spattered across it, and dripped from the chin.

Neither one of them said anything, and after a moment, Akira turned back to the door and crossed the room.

He had never seen this side of her before. What in the world had she become? She reminded him of himself when he first joined the ANBU years ago. Ruthless and cold-blooded.

Kakashi followed Akira through the mansion, killing any guards that they came across. Some of her kills were way more brutal than was necessary, and it brought back memories for him. Kakashi felt like he was in a daze, and was merely watching the chaos happen in front of him. Each slice of Akira's blades sent blood spraying across the walls of the mansion. The servants' eyes bulged as they grasped at their necks while dying. Akira's forearms were covered in their blood, as well as her mask. The glimpses he caught of her front were enough for him to know exactly what the front of her vest looked like.

What happened to you, Akira?

She was nothing like the sweet little girl she had been when he'd first met her. Hell, she wasn't even the same as six months ago. That was when Bat and Sparrow had died. Seek had said it had been an ambush. Something bad must've happened that day. Even when Akira's parents died she hadn't changed this much.

Kakashi almost regretted telling Seek that he would try to talk to Akira. What could he possible do to help her? He couldn't even help himself. At least for now, he could only focus on the mission. He wouldn't be able to even try to find a chance to talk to her until the target had been eliminated.

They came to a staircase and jumped to the bottom of it, landing in a large kitchen. Two more guards were in there cooking. They turned upon hearing their entrance, and one of them dropped a pan. Kakashi leaped forward and stabbed the guard who had dropped the pan through the chest with his kunai. He held the man's arm and covered his mouth, slowly lowering the body to the ground, while the other guard stared in horror at him. He pulled his kunai out of the man's chest and slit his throat, silencing him.

Just then, another guard entered the kitchen. "What was that? You guys oka–"

Akira threw three shuriken into the man's chest, cutting off his question. They sunk in with solid thunks, and blood dribbled out of the wounds. Then she leaped forward and sliced through his neck, preventing him from making anymore noise. He grabbed the counter in shock then slid to the ground, where he slumped against the closed door, effectively pinning it shut.


Kakashi straightened and cut the remaining guard off by pointing his kunai directly at the man's throat. The tip barely pricked him, but it drew a drop of blood.

"How many of you are involved in the drug operation?" He asked, his voice deep and menacing. His sharingan glowed, sending a shiver down the man's spine.

"A-all of us."

"Are there any more of you that are not currently here?"

The man shook his head slightly, trying to avoid cutting his own neck on Kakashi's blade. "No, just us."

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