Albert James Moriarty

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Albert and (Y/n) have been best friends for many years. They are as close as can be.
Even rumors have been spread about their relationship status.
Although the two know it's only friendship, deep down there's something more there.
One day the Moriarty brothers and (Y/n) were invited to a party.
Obviously the men were less than pleased to be going to another boring ball.
William and Louis speak to any noble that initiates conversation.
Albert on the other hand remains near the wine table, soon joined by his best friend.
(Y/n) curtsies and takes the glass Albert offers.

"What a bore." The lady mumbles, earning a chuckle from the brunette.
"I quite agree. How can they do this so frequently?"
(Y/n) shrugs and sips her wine. "Heaven only knows. Are Will and Lou around?"
The eldest gestures to their right with his glass.
Her eyes lock with William and they smile kindly at one another.
Louis lifts his wine to her which she does back.

As the party progresses (Y/n) notices just how many couples are in attendance.
She also knew of the rumors spreading around her and Albert.
To his surprise she takes his hand.
"Surely one dance won't kill us." She whispers and drags him to the dance floor.
The man smiles softly.
Somehow they maneuver, still holding their wine.
The two have to hold back their laughter during the dance when they notice everyone watching them.
And to everyone's surprise, they didn't spill a drop of wine.

When the dance is finished they bow and curtsy, but (Y/n) doesn't let go of his hand.
They walk to the side, still hand in hand.
At first it's only a joke she's playing.
How long can they hold hands before one pulls away.
Even more talk goes around and (Y/n) holds in her blush.
Although as the night comes to an end Albert is still holding her hand.
When she tries to pull away he squeezes.
Her eyes slowly move up his arm and to his eyes.

"Al," she whispers.
"Don't make me pull away so soon." He whispers back.
"The party is over. I must be headed home."
"Join me for a walk. Surely the fresh air will clear our clouded minds of the wine."
(Y/n) frowns but nods. She links her arm in his and they walk outside.
William and Louis watch their brother leave with the woman and decide to ride home without their oldest brother.
"(Y/n) do you enjoy my company?"
"Much so. Why do you ask?"
"I enjoy yours more so than anyone's."
The woman blushes and looks away. "I am flattered."

"(Y/n) I know this is sudden and may be out of the blue but I care for you. More so than a sister or friend as I once did in the past. My feelings have changed and grown these last few years."
(Y/n) looks up at his face quickly.
"If it so pleases you, I would love for you to be mine. I could spoil you and care for you as a lover should. Your pure heart and obvious kindness are beautiful. I wish to be yours wholly and forever."
The woman couldn't speak at first.
"I knew you taking my hand tonight was only a jest, but it gave me courage the longer we didn't part."

(Y/n) stops walking and looks into his eyes.
Albert takes her hand and rubs the back with his thumb.
Her eyes watch his finger move and she slowly smiles.
"I never thought you would have feelings for anyone, especially not me. I had resigned myself to being your best friend and nothing more."
"You don't give yourself enough credit my dear. You are beautiful and smart and caring. We know each other well and will prove to be a powerful couple."
"Any sap would say a match made in Heaven." The woman comments and laughs softly.
"Indeed they would. But I find I'm above that. I am sophisticated and elegant in my wooing."

(Y/n) laughs and squeezes his hand.
Albert smiles and holds her waist with his free hand. "Say you'll be my lover."
After a few moments pause the woman looks into the man's eyes.
"I will gladly be yours Al. But do promise not to waste money on me."
"Oh never darling. I find I am happiest when giving gifts to those I love. Just ask my dear brothers. My favorite is probably still the sweaters I knitted them for Christmas. I could give you one if you so desired."
"I would love that. And I would cherish it."
Albert kisses her knuckles then her cheek. "I will take you home now." He whispers then continues on their walk.
(Y/n) lays her head on his shoulder, thankful she held his hand, even if it was only a joke at first.

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