William and Albert

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Tea parties.
A most mundane affair.
Usually at least.
This time (Y/n) was more than happy to attend at the Moriarty estate.
Although unlike every other woman there she had the decency to remain levelheaded and not throw herself at any of the men.
(Y/n) was the first to arrive, a good 10 minutes before anyone else.
Albert and William greet her at the gate.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm a touch early gentlemen. My cabby decided he needed to have me here in a jiffy."
"It's quite alright my dear. Please head inside and make yourself comfortable." Albert responds and kisses her knuckles.
(Y/n) curtsies and smiles. "Thank you my lord. Oh and Professor, if you so have time, I wish for us to speak about maths. I'm sure the others will eat away your time so don't feel obligated to speak with me. It can wait until another day."
"Nonsense. I will happily speak with you today, my lady." He kisses her other knuckles and smiles widely.

(Y/n) laughs softly and walks to the back, taking in the splendid sight.
The four others catch her eyes and she smiles at each one.
First she spoke with Fred about the flowers.
He bashfully but happily spoke with her.
Eventually others began arriving so (Y/n) took her seat, all the way in the back.
She knew better than to get in a crazed woman's way, not that she had any desire to. (Y/n) simply planned to enjoy the event and she would never dream of hounding any of the men.
A fact Albert noticed and immediately took a liking to.

As the day went on (Y/n) was engaged in boring conversations but thankfully she slipped away.
After enjoying her tea and treats she heads toward the manor.
Moran walks over and smirks. "Pretty lady you should be enjoying the party from out here."
"Sir Moran, please excuse me. I do not wish to engage in more frivolous conversation. I wish to read inside for a bit. It will help calm my nerves from these overwhelming nobles."
The "butler" is taken aback.
"I would never dream of snooping around if that is what you fear. I am an honest woman."
Moran looks around then back at the woman. "I will escort you to the library if you promise not to wander when I leave."
"On my honor sir."

(Y/n) sits comfortably on the couch with a pile of William's maths books next to her.
What an odd woman. Moran thinks to himself when he leaves.
Before she knew it the sun began to set.
The knock on the door nor the slight creak pulled her attention from the subject.
William watches her and laughs quietly. "My lady it is getting late. I'm sorry I couldn't pull my attention away for you."
(Y/n) looks up quickly, startled, then smiles. "Did I not tell you to not worry?"

William walks over and looks at her stack of books. "You've been busy in here. Moran explained why you escaped into the library. I'm sorry you were overwhelmed."
"To be honest it's not so much overwhelming as it is boring and repetitive. Today I was finally happy to come and see you all, you're all so kind. But then I remembered this would be no different, just nobles talking. I despise it really."
William smiles and sits next to her. "It is rather mundane isn't it? But it is an obligation."
"Should I ever have the displeasure of hosting I would gladly let you and your brothers sneak off for a break from the women."

This makes the blonde laugh genuinely.
"Unfortunately I must bid you goodnight but tomorrow I will call upon you. You will have my undivided attention and we may speak to our hearts content."
(Y/n) gasps and puts her hand on her chest, faking pain. "You broke your promise to me, my lord. You swore you would speak to me today."
"Well if it is only speaking you are referring to then we are talking now, and we spoke when you arrived. Therefore I did not break the promise." William counters and lifts her to her feet by her hand.
"Well the original promise was to speak about maths. Therefore I will eagerly await tomorrow."

As the two walk downstairs (Y/n) grips William's sleeve.
He looks down at her sadly. "Is something wrong?"
"I am very timid and reserved. I do not like to approach men but..."
They pause on the step.
"But what?"
"I found today that Albert and I made a lot of eye contact. It made my heart flutter. He probably thinks nothing of it and normally I wouldn't either but this was different. I didn't get to speak with him either but I would like to. Is it wrong to get to know him more as a person? He seems so kind and intelligent."
William is taken aback. "Do you suspect you have deeper feelings for my brother?"
"I don't know. But I think so. I've never felt this way before about anyone. I never thought I would feel like this."

The said man walks past then looks up at them. "Oh my lady. You're still here. I'm terribly sorry we did not get to converse."
(Y/n) watches Albert kiss her cheek then looks at William.
"Brother I have invited (Y/n) over for brunch tomorrow. Is that ok?"
"Of course Will. That sounds like a splendid time. You did wish to speak about maths did you not?"
The woman nods and smiles.
Her small blush doesn't go unnoticed by the two men.
"Thank you for hosting me today and agreeing to my request." She bows and smiles. "Goodnight gentlemen. And sweet dreams to you both."
The two brothers watch her walk away then exit through the front door.

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