"I almost feel bad for what I have to do now." He said. "He is family after all."

The Darkling prepared to use his powers when Mal shouted at us to get down as he cocked his pistol.

When I turned around to see what he was pointing his gun at I saw what I had been told was a Nichevoya trying its best to break through Alina's force field.

Mal shot at it just as I turned around to see Alina and the Darkling use the Cut against eachother.

The Cut was a deadly technique that was difficult to master, but would slice your enemy in half.

Both of their Cuts hit eachother, knocking both Alina and Mal, and the Darkling backwards.

The Darkling groaned in pain. I could clearly see where he had been hit.

"I'm hit." Mal said weakly.

Alina immediately ran to his side and tried to help with his wound.

She was saying stuff in a frenzy, but I didn't catch any of it. Just her panicked breathing.

"Stay with me!" She yelled in desperation.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nina pulled back.

Me and Zoya whipped around to see her pulled away by a Nichevoya.

"Nina!" We yelled in unison.

I unsheathed the Neshyenyer and attempted to find where the Nichevoya was.

It circled us, winding in and out of the shadows of the Fold. While Volcra flew overhead, growling.

Zoya was doing her best to keep it away from us with her powers while I was waiting for its attack, ready with the Neshyenyer.

From behind us Alina was trying to keep Mal alive and the Darkling was struggling to get up.

As much as I hate to wish death upon others, of course our exception to that is Dressen, I was really hoping that the Darkling wouldn't survive his injuries so that this could all be over and we could go home to Ketterdam. I missed my little rainy city.

"Nina! Nina!" Alina called into the darkness, but with no response.

Red light started swirling around Alina and Mal as she slowly put a dagger through him. She didn't mean to cause him more pain she just didn't know it would be a lot less painless for Mal if she would just run him through.

The growls of the Volcra grew closer.

Suddenly, a blinding light and a high pitched scream filled the air, blinding both me and Zoya.

The growling of the Volcra ceased.

When I opened my eyes the Fold was gone. All I could see was a barren desert with a stone foundation right in the center of it.

I expected a sense of relief to go throughout my body, but I was still tense, waiting for something to put me in action.

That something was several Nichevoya lunging at me and Zoya.

Zoya did her best to hold them back was knocked backwards, landing hard on the ground.

I dodged the attacks and sliced as many of the monsters as I could.

After exterminating the last Nichevoya, I ran to help Zoya up.

We may not be friends, but we were allies.

"Nina! Nina, come please!" Alina yelled as Nina ran towards her and Mal's limp body.

We watched in anticipation as Nina pulled out the dagger embedded in his chest and healed his wounds.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora