Chapter 7:

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A/n: Yay! We've made it to 400 reads. Thank you guys for reading so far and sorry for my unannounced absences. I hope you have all enjoyed the book so far. Here's another chapter :D

The carriage slowed to a stop in Ryevost. We all got out and made our way to the back of the carriage where we watched the Sun Summoner, Alina, break open the lock of the box on the back of the carriage.

As she opened the lid she scanned the four of us over.

She hopped out and held her hands up.

"We don't want any trouble." Jesper said.

"Neither do I, so I'll just be on my way." She returned.

Alina looked young. My age, maybe younger.

She turned to walk away, but Kaz swiftly brought up his cane, blocking her path.

"Clearly, you want out of East Ravka. But we can help you." Jesper said.

She looked over at me and Inej. We nodded, assuring her that she would be okay if she came with us.

It was almost like a secret code amongst women.

"We have a secure route through the Fold." Jesper continued.

"I prefer to travel alone." Alina replied.

"Don't be rash." Jesper countered. "You stick with us, everybody gets what they want."

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again." She stated. "So step aside and let me pass."

"I'm afraid we can't let that happen." Kaz said.

I had to physically bite my tongue to stop myself from telling them to let her go, I know what the reward meant to everyone, I couldn't just take it away from them, no matter how much I understood how Alina was feeling and that she almost needed us to let her go.

Alina quickly blinded Jesper and Kaz, but me and Inej shielded our eyes.

She turned to us, ready to blind us too, Inej held up her hands in surrender, I risked being blinded by motioning for her to run.

I knew Inej would understand and I couldn't just let Alina continue to suffer under the control of someone.

I'd been in her shoes, I knew how it felt. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I just hoped she wouldn't get caught. As much as she needed to be free, I needed her to be free.

She could change the world, I knew she could, but not under the Darkling's control.

Even if Kaz got mad at me for letting her go, it was the right thing to do.

Kaz was insistent on finding the Sun Summoner. So we split into two groups; I went with Jesper since I was still mad at Kaz and Inej went with Kaz.

"Have you seen a girl; dark hair, grey duster, like yea high, Shu-ish?" Jes asked one of the men in the market.

I strongly disapproved of searching for Alina, but I wasn't going to tell the others, they needed this money.


Once we'd failed to find her, we made our way to a bar where we joined Kaz at one of the tables.

Not long after me and Jes had sat down, Inej entered the bar.

"No horses missing in the stable, so..." She trailed off.

Kaz stared at his drink as he tapped his fingers on the wooden table. "So?"

"What?" Me and Inej whispered at the same time.

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