Chapter 4:

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The Conductor-who's name we found out was Arken-had arranged for us to take a carriage to West Ravka.

"I didn't hire you simply to get us across the Fold." Kaz stated as we rode into Novokribirsk. "You're with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little Palace and that's the location of our target."

"Sun Summoner." I yawned.

It had been a long ride from Ketterdam-in Kerch I may add-to Novokribirsk.

"Alleged." Kaz shot me a look but I was too tired to care.

"They wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka." I said.

"You said you had a contact who can get us inside. A Heartrender." Kaz continued.

Arken nodded.

"How do I know we can trust her?" Kaz asked.

At the moment I was tired of his trust issues and just wanted to sleep.

"Nina grew up there." Arken answered.

"Most Grisha grew up in the Little Palace. Very few would betray their general and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession."

"I agree with Kaz." I stated.

Everyone looked at me. Their eyes were saying shut up, Elora. Clearly we are all tired.

Arken sighed and continued. "Nina's a radical. Thinks Grisha should get to choose if they serve the Crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does Fjerdans."

I like this Nina. I thought


We didn't arrive at Nina's home until nightfall.

When we entered her room it was empty. There were shards of glass on the floor and things scattered across the room.

"She knew to expect us." Arken said.

"She isn't late." I said. "She's gone."

"Yes, but her things are all..."

Arken moved a box which exposed a brooch on the bed.

"What is it?" Jesper asked.

I looked over at him only to see him eating the food on the table. Only Jesper could do something like that. I had to surpress a laugh.

"Drüskelle. They are ruthless Grisha hunters."

"Explains the Fjerdan krydda the inkeeper was counting when we arrived. It's likely he ratted her out." Kaz said.

"She's probably captive on a ship to Fjerda by now." Arken exclaimed.

"They had a clear line of attack." Inej stated.

Kaz turned to me and Inej.

"Take a look. Make sure there aren't any more surpises." He said. He stared at me for a few moments before turning back to Arken and Jesper. If I wasn't mistaken I saw something glint in his eyes just as he turned around.

I went out onto the balcony with Inej. She jumped down to inspect the garden below and I inspected the balcony. I could still hear the others talking inside.

"Well that's that we've lost our way into the Little Palace." Arken sighed. I heard the bed creak as he sat down.


Inej met the others as they exited the front door. I jumped down from the balcony and landed with a soft thud next to Kaz.

"All clear." I said.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin