Chapter 3

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"Pekka made a move on more than just the Crow Club while we were away." Kaz exclaimed. "Bought out all of Fifth Harbour."

"Inej took some serious damage." Jesper interrupted. "The novice nearly lost his head, the Heartrender took a bullet and Elora nearly broke three ribs, but no worries."

I'd bruised three of my ribs from the kick from the masked man. But it was nothing compared to what Inej walked away with.

"At least you're on top of Pekka's corporate holdings." Jes continued.

"You don't cut down a lion by cutting off his tail." Kaz responded.

"I'm sorry you've been in safari when? You're putting our lives on the line."

"I thought you preferred it that way."

I wanted to say something, but stayed quiet. I didn't want to start another argument with Kaz.

"Is Inej going to be okay?" Jes asked Nina as she walked out of the back room.

"I wouldn't call myself the most proficient Healer, but she'll not be a permanent resident here."

"Not yet anyway." Jes said sending Kaz a glare.

I hated seeing them fight. They were practically brothers which I guess explains all the fighting.

"Technically, no one gets buried here anymore." Wylan put in. "When the firepox plague hit years ago, so many people died that the crematoriums got backed up, so they had to float all the dead bodies in the harbour."

"Enough!" Kaz yelled, causing me to jump.

I was so used to the more quiet company of Inej and often jumped at loud noises.

Everyone just stood there silent and still until Kaz handed Jesper a piece of paper.

"Applebroek?" Jes questioned.

"Pekka has a glass factory there, but there are no sandpits in Applebroek. So cartage fees would kill all of his profits. Find out what he's really up to." Kaz instructed as he turned to Wylan. "If you want to help, instead of spurting useless historical facts, go with Jesper."

I walked to the back room where Nina had been healing Inej. There were blood soaked cloths and vials of various ointments littered across the table.

Inej had blood soaked bandages wrapped around her arms that were soaked through with blood. She started unraveling one of them, I helped her with the other.

As I silently helped Inej re-wrap her arms I could hear Nina and Kaz talking in the other room.

"Not that you asked, but consider grounding your Wraith for now." Nina told Kaz. "I always wanted to be a Healer, but that doesn't mean that I'm any good."

Inej mostly gathered information while I mostly followed people, or kept watch of various places and things. Of course we didn't exclusively do those things, but Kaz didn't often send me to gather information other than blackmail.

"If I need you again, I'll let you know." Kaz said dismissing Nina.

There was a long pause until Kaz continued. "All the guards who work at Hellgate are loyal to Pekka and are on his payroll. All but one."

"The fights?" Nina interrupted.

"Hellshow. It's exactly what you'd imagine."

Another pause.

"Find a guard named Hiemstra. He has a port-wine stain across his brow. He'll get a message to you're Fjerdan."

"Can we trust him?"

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