Chapter 4

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TW: This chapter is darker than my other chapters. We explore Kaz and Elora's backstories. Trauma and PTSD are probably the biggest triggers. But death, being buried alive, nightmares, threats, being sold and drinking are more prominently mentioned in this chapter. If you've watched the show you should be okay.

I peaked over the top of my book to see Kaz take another drink from his flask.

"Give me that." I said, taking it from him. "Getting drunk is not going to solve your problems. They're still going to be there when you sober up."

Jesper and Wylan were entering the mausoleum as I was leaving.

I unscrewed the cap of the flask and emptied its contents on the dry dirt at my feet.

Once it was empty I twisted the cap back on and headed back inside the mausoleum.

"The Dregs have opted to join us." Kaz informed Jes and Wylan as I closed the door behind me.

The two gave eachother a look that told me they'd found something.

"Well?" Kaz inquired, clearly having seen the look as well.

"Yeah, you were right. No glass factory, just a country estate." Jes answered.

He was leaving something out.

I could tell because he wasn't as quick with his words as he usually was. And he wasn't showing his usual tells of lying.

"Was the boy there? What's his name?" Kaz asked further.

Boy? Did Rollins have a son? And how did I not figure this out?

"Don't pretend otherwise." Kaz pressed. "He renamed the Crow Club the Kaelish Prince and Pekka would never see himself as anything other than a king. So, what is the boy's name?"

Jesper hesitated to answer. "Alby. Alby Rollins."

Wylan was giving him a look of disappointment.

"You promised." He whispered as Kaz walked into the other room.

"What are you going to do with him?" Wylan asked, worry heavily lacing his tone.

"Kaz, he's just a kid." Jesper exclaimed.

"So was I." Kaz said quietly as I walked into the room.

"Kaz, please. Alby can't help who is father is. And you... You can't punish him for that." I pleaded with him.

Kaz POV:

I was going to bury him alive, but I'm trying not to upset Elora and if she finds out... If she finds out she'll leave with Inej and I'll never see her again.

I won't bury the boy, but I'll say I did. That's the only way to get what I want out of Pekka.

I had hatched a plan and I was ready to put it in play.


I grunted as Nina threw me to the floor.

"Tell your boss I have what he wants." She said.

While Nina was playing the part of traitor and I was being beat up by Pekka, Inej, Wylan and Elora were spraying a concoction I'd gotten Wylan to brew up for me.

It played the part of firepox, making you look and feel as if you had the disease when really it would wear off after a day, or two.

I was not looking forward to the lecture from Lora I would receive later tonight for not telling her I was letting myself get beat up.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang