capter one: meet us

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Chapter 1:

     "Hey cam, got a cig?", a short, full, red head booms as she enters the small bedroom. Cam rolls his eyes and reaches into his pocket, "your lucky Mary Jane! Your lucky…" Cam takes his other hand and points at Mary, "your lucky me and Jackson are sharing, your so lucky I have 3 left!". The tall tan boy stands from the bed, his head almost hitting the ceiling. Cam looked at Mary, and reluctantly, hands her the Cigarette. 

    *does he think he's bad ass?* Mary thinks to herself. Her oldest cousin was gruff and grumpy… most of the time. When Matt was there however, he was bubbly and sweet. Cam hadn't told anyone he was gay yet but Mary knew. She only knew because she had went to walk home from work when she saw them kissing in Matt's car. It had been 2 weeks and Cam still had no idea she knew. 

    Cam walks out and goes to watch the show with Dea and Shaun. Cam was 22 but he got along better with Shaun who was 12 and Dea who was 15. Mary also got along with Shaun and Dea, and so did DJ. Everyone got along with them.

     Mary looked around and summoned Jackson, "got a lite jack?". She smirked at him. "Not if you call me that again", the skinny blonde shaggy dude was Jackson, marys second oldest cousin. "Please?"

           Mary loved living with her family, when she was 8, her mom moved away and she kept Mary from them until she was 18. Mary's dad had died when she was 7 so she really had no memory's of him, or her family, but when she needed them, they gave her a home and a family.

        Many people lived in the house. Jakson lived there with his wife, Cara, and there daughter who was just a baby. Jakson and Cara where good people. Cara was rough around the edges, but only because she was nervous around new people. 

         Bre was a different story, she was Alecs girlfriend. She just didn't Like anyone. Alec was the total opposite. He would give someone the shirt off his back, unless they fucked with people he loved. 

     Cam was 22 and he was single, or that's what he told everyone. He had met Matt while outside shooting hoops. It was 105 outside but he was pissed at the twins for coloring on his favorite Hoody with sharpie. He has wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt, when a tall, blonde, blue eyed guy walked up with a bottle of water. "You look hot" Matt had stated. Cam wipped around, ready to punch the guy who dared talk to him while he was upset. "Do I look gay to…" just then he saw the bottle water and stopped himself. "Oh thx my bad man.". Ever since then Matt and Cam had been unbearable. 

      Momma was the glue. She kept everything going. She never let anything get her down. She knew her kids needed her. So she kept her head up. Tea tea had been mommas best friend for years so everyone knew, despite her looking nothing like the rest, that she was family. 

        Everyone in the house loved each other. But they also all had secrets. Mostly because they where scared to lose that love

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