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Third person Pov

Ethan came home and was being met with David who was glaring at him. "Where you been?" David asks. "You see It was late when I finished my errands so I checked into a hotel" Ethan says and David rolled his eyes. "You think I don't know you and darrian dating" david says and Ethan let out a laugh. "We not dating yet anyway" Ethan says.

"Yet? How long this been going on?" David asks. "A good minute and I'm asking him to be mine tonight" Ethan says. "Well good luck with that but don't take my vehicle again" David says and Ethan laughs. "You really think I'm gonna listen" Ethan says before grabbing some index cards.

He knows darrian likes playing cards and that's what started everything so now he was going to use that to his advantage and make darrian his. Darrian was his regardless but either way he was gonna make it official and hear darrian say yes. "I hope he loves this" Ethan says and then started writing on the cards.

He then called darrian asking if he wanted to meet up later that day and of course he agreed and Ethan set up the perfect plan to make things official so he could have darrian after all this time. Then later on when he went to Darrian's he put his index cards i the deck while darrian was in the kitchen.

He was later going to ask to play uno and then would ask the question he knows it's not exactly over the top but it's whatever it's special to them so he was going to make sure he did this.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

It started with uno (notti x ddot)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora