Act or real (2)

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Ella opens the door and goes ahead of me. "Cate," Ella says, "this is y/n. As I told you she will be interviewing you about the ongoing issue."
Cate turns around and looks at me. She looks at me intensely from head to toe and then finally opens her mouth, "Y/n. Hi, you're late." Okay, that wasn't what I'd expected.. Even though I'm standing in front of THE Cate Blanchett I'm not one bit fazed by her snarky comment. I've had worse celebrities. They've cussed me out, closed the door in my face and looked insanely mad at me like they were secretly plotting my murder. Yes, interviewing celebrities isn't always rainbow and sunshine.

"Hello miss Blanchett. My apologies for being late, my car wouldn't start." She makes a sound that indicates disbelief and I decide to ignore that. "Great, okay. Y/n, would you like something to drink?" Ella asks. "I'd like a cup of tea. No sugar or milk please," I respond with a smile.
Ella leaves the room and now it's just me and Cate. She looks at me, observing my every move as I unpack my stuff, and takes a long sip of her coffee.

"So," Cate begins, "y/n huh. You're lucky your mom is friends with my agent, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten in." I look at her and reply with, "Probably not, no. You don't do interviews very often which is understandable."

Cate takes another sip and then lets out a single laugh "Understandable? How so?" "Most journalists say they're being subjective but they usually alreasy decided who's their favorite side which isn't usually not."
"I wonder why that is," Cate says, daring me to say the truth. "Everyone has their own personal reason. Plus, some people are more likeable than others," I say.
"So you're saying I'm not likeable," she says raising an eyebrow.
"You're likeable to your fans. Not so much likeable for journalists considering your behavior towards them, towards us," I say honestly. "My behavior.. Which is?" "You come across distant, distrusting and immediately hating them already. I've heard stuff about you."

This makes her look up and she leans forward, getting closer to me. She lights a cigarette and takes a deep drag from it. "So, you've heard things huh. Do you believe the 'things'?" She says to me. Cate definitely knows what she's doing, getting so close to my face, but I contain my professional and unfazed composture and respond with: "I only believe what I see and experience. I can't do anything with gossips." "You're the first journalist who's like that then, unless you're lying," she squints her eyes. "I try to avoid lying as much as possible, miss Blanchett" I say honestly.

Before she has the change to say anything else, Ella comes in and hands over my tea. "Here's your tea. I have to do something else so I will leave you two alone. Goodluck with the interview," and she winks at me.
After Ella closed the door Cate turns her attention back to me, "She warned you, didn't she." "She did, yes." She scoffs.

"Alright," I begin, "I'm going to record everything with this voice recorder," I tap on the device, "I don't take notes because then I can't pay full attention to whoever I'm interviewing. Everything you say will be recorded unless you want to say something off the record, in that case just tell me and I'll turn it off. These recordings won't be published and are only used for the writing. Any questions before we begin?"
"Where did you get those shoes from?" Cate asks. I blink a few times, not sure if I heard it right. "They're not mine," I respond carefully. "I already figured so." I raise an eyebrow and ask "How so?" "You don't look like the type to wear high heels," Cate says. "You're right. My low heel broke on the way here so I borrowed a pair from Ella." "They're not Ella hers though," Cate says as she pushes her cigarette butt in the ashtray. "They came from the back, according to her."
"I wore those shoes." Cate says calmly. "They're yours? My apologies." "Don't worry, they look great on you!" And she winks at me.

That's the first nice thing she's said to me.

Maybe she's not as hating against journalists as they say.. Or maybe y/n is a special one to her. Who knows! I do, and you will too if you read the next chapter 😌

Y/n x middleaged womenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ