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Alistair's pov

I gulp, the feeling of fear washes over my body as red flashes in his eyes.

I eat my waffles before they get cold, and speak only after I drink a little.

"My mother. Her death wasn't normal. My grandmother's death also wasn't normal, and she.. She started to appear in my dreams. I'm not sure when it started, but I know that it's been bothering me since then."

I bit my lower lip thoughtlessly. "Okay look. I believe my Father is hiding something about his past and my Mother's death. It's a harsh accusation, but it just made sense to me."

I meet his eyes, and fearfully say. "I fear... I fear that our Attic has secrets from his past, and the truth of my Grandmother."

Unfortunately, I can't keep my mouth shut and I blabber. "..The last time I spoke of Aigneis, My grandmother, Father was really angry and he—"

I cut myself off, and speak of something else. "I saw her name on a Grave that was in front of your house. It disappeared when I came back with my Father. I assume it must be some kind of powder.." Afzal squints his eyes when I suddenly changed the subject. He wants to question me, but doesn't.

He scowls. "Seems like my Father isn't done hiding secrets from me. That powder must have hidden it."

I agree. "Yes. Anyways, I stole the only key to open the attic door. I hope my Father hasn't found it yet. Who knows what he'll do to me this time.." I mumble the last part, hoping he didn't hear it. But who knew that he did?

Afzal really did pay for our food.


He decided to walk me to my work, I refused but he said he wanted to be by my side. He was a really kind person, it's crazy how close we've gotten to each other in just two days.

We shared laughs, and smiles. Despite the sound of footsteps, and people communicating with each other, his attention was only on me. And I liked that.

Afzal's hands are in his Coat pockets, he looks up and observes the sky. Dark clouds are approaching us, something flashes in the sky, and the drab atmosphere is back. Afzal's hand goes behind his coat, and he pulls out a short, dark umbrella.

He unfurls the umbrella, and steps even closer to me so that the Umbrella is covering me too. I'm confused,

it hasn't even started to rain— Ah. Drizzles start to fall on us. As soon as the rain starts to fall heavily on us, People start to pack up, some run towards buildings to stand under the doorsteps. Afzal excuses himself before wrapping his arm around my waist. He pulls me even closer to him, and I feel his muscles.

The wind starts to howl heavily, it blows my PERFECTLY styled hair so Afzal tucks my hair behind my ears, and presses his hand against my ear so it doesn't blind my vision. He's really considerate, and I'm certain I won't be able to go an entire day without complimenting him. That's for sure.

I point towards the shop I was gonna be working at, it was a sewing shop, it wasn't the most.. 'Masculine' job as most people including my Father have said, but it pays well and I make my own clothes so it was a win win Situation!! I got money, and I was able to make clothes.

Afzal ushers me to hurry up when I was running towards the building. Before I entered inside, Afzal furled the Umbrella and handed it over to me.

I shake my head and decline. "No.. You'll be walking home, you need it."

He gently pins it against my chest, and insists. "Take it. I'm not going home yet, I need to pick up some supplies for my Mother, and then I need to go home to change."

I raise an eyebrow confusingly. He smiles. "I'll change into fresh clothes, and I'll pick you up after work."

My heart skips, and my skin prickles. I can hear my own heart thudding loudly. "Oh.. I'll be done in four hours though."

He shrugs, "It's Alright. I'll pick you, and you I'll drop you off at your house. You can change before we go to my Castle, is that Alright for you?"

Before I face the door only to turn the knob, I wave at him. "Of course, see you at 2."


Four hours later.

The rain had stopped an hour ago, but the gloomy atmosphere remained. I did my job nicely, the Kind Lady, my boss, said that she liked the way I worked.

Apparently, I was gentle and I took my time sewing the fabric. I folded the clothes, and put away the fabric I used. It was time for me to clock out, the lady was really kind and payed me twice of what I was about to receive, and she insisted on packing for me. Too tired, I simply thank her and go over to the back. I change out of my work clothes, and put my pay in my tote bag.

It was time to spend some more time with Afzal, I feel nervous but excited at the same time. I open the door, and bid the Lady fair well. I expected Afzal to be there, but there stood Rowan, who was in a more casual attire.

He greets me, "I saw you, and I didn't believe if it was really you."

I approach him. "Hello, it is me. Are you.. Feeling better?"

He frowns. "I do, I've done some research about who I am. But something has been on my mind since the day I met you."

"What?" I inquire.

"That young woman, who was she?"

I grimace. The thought of Ondine makes me wanna puke, I'm not sure if I can ever forgive her. "That's Ondine, a classmate of mine. She smells.. Like she's one of us, right?"

He dips his head. "Yeah, it's crazy finally knowing that there's more of us."

I joke. "Tell me about it, it's even more crazy knowing that you weren't as human as you thought."

He laughs. "Really crazy. Although.." he turns serious. "I saw you a few hours ago with a Tall man. It's a small town, don't think I was following you."

I chuckle. "I won't. And that Man was a friend," I stop laughing because his serious face bores into my mind. "Is it because of the way he smells?"

We both say. "Death?"

I agree. "Yes. Rowan, you have to understand that we can't tell ANYBODY about all of this."

He hurries to answer. "Of course. That man, he's.. Dead, right?"

I hum. "A vampire to be precise."

He looks down. "This is.. It feels unreal."

My eyes roam around to land at someone dressed in dark clothes. It was Afzal, his eyes were glued on us. I smile at him, my eyes squinting before I face Rowan.

I caress his forearm, and I attempt to comfort him. "..I know what you mean. You know, we can talk more, that way you won't feel lonely about all of this."

He lightens up. Dimples visible as he smiles broadly. "Sure! Would it be okay if I had your number on my phone?"

I agree to that, and he pulls out his phone. I call out my number to him, and we talk only for a little bit because I inform him that I need to go. He gives me a side hug, and walks away. A bright smile still on his face.

I scurry over the road and slow down my steps when I'm in front of Afzal.

I quickly give him an apology. "Sorry, we can go now."

He was standing in front of a Car that seemed old. Not rusty but just an Old model, it looked cool, out of this world.

He looked tense, really tense. He clenches his jaw visibly, and opens the door rather angrily. "Get in."

I gulp. I wonder what made him that mad?

Truly Misfortunate BXBWhere stories live. Discover now