And then he reached out to her more, opened up to her more, invited her to do the same. He'd shown her the range of his emotions in the assurance that she didn't have to bottle hers up like she usually did. And the bond grew stronger, tighter, closer.

Even after they'd broken up, she could feel his presence without looking his way. She could read his eyes and see his thoughts because, despite most of his apprehension, he allowed her to. He showed her that while he wanted space—and, granted, while he was a bit of a jerk in doing so—he still cared when things got serious. And they were pulled closer, closer, closer, until eventually, she could no longer hold in everything that she'd hidden.

I love you.

He had given the words to her before she'd left, ensuring that she had a reason to return. To say them back.

And it had only been a few minutes since she'd been swallowed by the shadows and pulled across the continent, but everything about her seems to ache. She misses him.

He was missing from her.

And she had to act like her world wasn't crumbling around her, like her heart wasn't yearning for the one that shared its rhythm.

Like she was fine.

She forces herself back to reality.

"Thanks to all the service she's given Camp Jupiter," Reyna continues, her dark braid falling over her shoulder, "we expect nothing less than for everyone to be respectful and to help her feel welcome. And, knowing her, if anyone would like assistance while training . . ." With a silent question, she glances back at (Y/N), who nods. "—then all you have to do is ask!"

(Y/N) can feel Jason's attention fixated on her. She doesn't bother to mask her exhaustion.

"All right, everyone," Jason says, turning to the campers. "That's it. Go on, scatter."

Julius weaves through the demigods that resume their business, approaching (Y/N). She pulls her shoulders back slightly, straightening her posture while tension tugs at her spine. Reyna watches the son of Mars carefully.

"It's good to see you again," he says, smiling down at (Y/N). The words carry a sort of softness that makes her grow wary.

She returns the gesture as convincingly as she can. Factoring in the tone of his voice and the way he stands, (Y/N) holds her hand out, ensuring he doesn't try to embrace her. As she'd expected, his eyes flicker with something similar to disappointment. "Good to see you, too."

He takes her hand without hesitation, squeezing briefly. "I'll see you around?"

"It's not that big of a place," (Y/N) says, the words somewhat dry.

Julius appears to interpret them as a joke—he chuckles, stepping back. As he turns to leave, (Y/N) allows herself to relax.

Reyna smirks at the way her shoulders slump. Jason lifts an eyebrow.

"How about we get you settled in?" Reyna asks, gently patting (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Then you can tell us all about why you're here."

(Y/N)'s fingers stiffen briefly. In the corner of her eye, Jason's head tilts. She brushes away her concern, putting a grateful smile on her face.

"Sounds good."

— x —

Annabeth's chest feels completely hollow.

She drops onto her mattress, ignoring how the bed frame creaks in protest. Her breaths stutter and choke, burning with each touch of air against her raw throat.

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