Bitter Surprise

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Chapter 23: Bitter Surprise

He looked in the mirror and had to admit Bulma was right: this outfit suited him quite well and he stepped back to see the whole picture. He had put on regular dark denim jeans - although regular was rather tight for his build - instead of his usual slacks. Since Videl already knew about his muscles, Bulma had suggested he should wear a short-sleeve T-shirt for once, because it always looked good on him. He therefore opted for a gray ribbed cotton one with a loose lace-up neckline. It was a bit out of his comfort zone to show off his biceps like that, but he felt he had to accept the way he was towards his friend. Videl probably wouldn't complain, she'd already seen him in his Gi, which was much worse. Somewhat satisfied, he went to the closet and topped off his attire with a pair of simple black sneakers. His usual dress shoes didn't match the outfit, he presumed.

He took a deep breath as his nerves kicked in. He knew this evening was set up for two friends who were going to watch a movie, but he'd decided to come clean and tell her everything she needed and wanted to know. He was determined to do this, but couldn't help playing unfavorable scenarios in his head: that she would be repelled by him and wanted nothing to do with him anymore. He was most afraid to tell her that he wasn't fully human. How can anyone accept that? It was totally surreal, yet it was true. And he didn't know how to address the Cell-subject, as it would also reveal her father as a fraud. He sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. Whatever her reaction would be, he just had to do it.

After he finished, he went downstairs to say goodbye to Bulma. His mother had demanded that he wore a three-piece suit, anything less wasn't good enough for a date. He had obeyed, not because he wanted to, but more because he was too chicken to go against his mother's will. He had to come all the way to Capsule Corps. to change, as he preferred to wear something casual tonight.

"Well, look at you!" Bulma said with a big grin, "Looking hot are we?"

Gohan flushed with embarrassment as he mumbled, "Shut up." He knew she would tease him.

"No seriously, if she's going to reject you, she isn't into guys, I tell you," she gave him a playful wink. Then she threw a small package at him. "Here."

Gohan caught the white package, neatly wrapped in cellophane, bearing only the Capsule Corp. logo. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding what it was. But after a moment of thought, he blushed profusely at the realization, "We're just going to watch a movie!"

Bulma crossed her arms, "Well, Trunks was just an argument. Just take it, normal ones tend to break, so I designed my own."

Embarrassed, he quickly hid what he was holding in his satchel as Vegeta walked into the room. He didn't want to give the man fuel to pester him too. The Saiyan Prince took in the scene and smirked, "Well, well, so you finally asked your mate on that date? I hope this doesn't distract you from your training regimen?"

"I've been training in the mountains with my brother for the past few days, so don't worry," Gohan replied. "The kid is getting pretty strong too."

"Hm," was all Vegeta said as he went to the fridge to fetch himself a drink. He opened the can and drank it all in one sitting. He couldn't help but curse inwardly at how easy everything seemed to go for hybrids, yet he was also very proud of his own son because of it.

"Well, I guess I'll go then," Gohan said, a little uneasy.

"Hey, Risot," Vegeta caught his attention, still leaning against the fridge "Good luck." Then he lifted his thumb in approval.

Gohan was down-smacked by his gesture, he had never seen Vegeta rooting for him. It gave Gohan a little more confidence and he nodded to the Prince before walking to the balcony and flew off. In the sky he turned and waved one last time and flew straight to Satan City. He was running a little late, so he flew at maximum speed.

When a Hero DisappearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora